Chapter 30

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"Wait for me!" I call out to Jennie as the team heads to the locker room with me still on their shoulders, leaving me no choice but to go with them. After a record speed shower and some more congratulations from my team, as well as coach, I'm finally able to sneak out of the locker room and back out to the field where people are still loitering, celebrating.

I spot Jennie and her friends near the bleachers, talking amongst themselves. Sauntering over to them, rat boy's beady little eyes hone in on me, turning to slits. With her back to me, I walk up behind Jennie, casually slinging my arm over her shoulders.

"Hey, Finch."

She tips her head back, looking up at me through long lashes, smiling. "Hey, congratulations!"

"Thank you." I smile down at her.

"Great throw." Rosé comments on my last play, the bright field lights reflecting in the lenses of her glasses, and her blonde hair blows in the breeze. "Way to show those preppy assholes that they'll never beat us, no matter how hard they try."

I chuckle. "Thanks, Rosé."

A sharp gust of cold October air rushes through, sending a zip down my spine as it whips through my still damp hair. The cold air bites into my skin, especially the tips of my ears, and I tug at the back of my hoodie, pulling the hood up and over my head.

I feel Jennie shiver, and she wraps her arms around herself, trying to ward off the cold. I pull her closer to me, trying to huddle and share body heat, earning me a death glare from rat boy.

Rosé rubs her hands together for warmth. "Let's go over by the fire, shall we?" she asks, already heading towards the large bonfire set up at the far end of the parking lot.

"Or we could just go home." rat boy mutters not so quietly under his breath.

We all walk over to the fire, my arm still hooked around Jennie's shoulders. There's a crowd around the fire, everyone trying to seek warmth in either the flames or the red solo cups of liquor being passed around.

"Shots?" Some random frat boy approaches us, offering up the red solo cups in his hands.

"You still driving?" Rosé asks, looking over her shoulder at Jennie.

"Yeah." Jennie replies. "Go ahead, Rosé, I'll drive you home."

"You're the best!" she says, grinning. "Don't mind if I do." Rosé accepts the cup, downing the liquid inside. She reaches for the other cup in the guy's hand, offering it to rat boy. "Here, Taehyung, you could stand to loosen up."

I choke back a laugh.

"I'm fine!" rat boy spits, indicating he's anything but fine, his jaw tight and ticking in frustration.

"Sure..." Rosé drawls dryly. Not letting the shot go to waste, she downs that one as well.

"You guys want anything?" the frat boy asks, looking at Jennie and me expectantly.

"No, thank you." Jennie replies.

He gives her an understanding nod. "Manoban?"

"Nah, man. I'm good." I say, not wanting to drink around Jennie when she's going to be sober.

"You sure? You were the MVP out there tonight, you deserve it." he presses.

"No thanks, man." I insist.

"Alright." he says, still lingering around for a few more moments, thinking I'll change my mind, before heading to the next group.

Another harsh gust of wind comes through, causing the flames of the fire to whip around and a shiver to run down Jennie's spine.

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