Chapter 48

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"Yes!" I cheer, throwing my fists up in the air triumphantly, causing her to giggle. "Patricia, give me the check, it's nap time!" I call out, a huge grin on my face.

After finishing up our food and signing the check, Jennie and I hop into the truck and drive back to campus. I lead her to my room, glad to find it semi-clean and not a total disaster, given that this was unplanned.

"Let me take your bag." I say, reaching for her powder blue backpack. She hands it over and I place it on the floor next to mine by my desk. We both toe off our shoes at the same time, and I climb into my bed first, gesturing for her to follow. She shyly climbs in, having to snuggle close to me in the small, twin size bed.

"Is this okay?" I ask as soon as she seems to get comfortable, her head resting on my chest. I pull the covers up to her chin, making sure that she's warm.

"Yeah." she says softly. "Is it okay for you?" She tilts her head up, her honey coloured eyes meeting mine.

"Perfect." I admit, stroking her hair and running my hand down her back.

I catch the soft smile on her lips before she snuggles further into my chest, closing her eyes. My heart melts before surprisingly racing in my chest in realisation.

Jennie is the first girl in my bed. Granted, that we're both fully clothed and only napping, but still. I've never had a girl in my own bed before. And she's the only girl I've ever even let into my room at all.

I let everything digest for a moment, a dozen emotions swirling around in my stomach, and I come to the realisation that it all feels so strangely intimate, but ultimately, it feels so right. Having her fall asleep on my chest is without a doubt one of the top three all-time best feelings I've ever experienced. Maybe even number one, if I'm being honest.

It takes about fifteen minutes for her to fall asleep, and as soon as she does I feel myself start to drift off. As soon as I'm about to slip into unconsciousness, I hear a key slide into the lock and the door opens, Hoony's stupid blonde head stumbling in.

"Dude, you'll never believe..."

"Shhh!" I cut him off sharply.

"Sorry." he says, voice dripping with sarcasm as he throws his hands up in mock surrender. When he finally looks at me, his eyes snap open wide in shock. "Wait, who the hell is that?" he asks, coming closer and weaving his head in different directions, trying to get a better look.

"Shhh!" I reiterate harshly, his tone still too loud for my liking. At this rate, he's going to wake her up.

"Dude, is that Jennie!?" he whisper shouts, his jaw dropped.

"Yes!" I hiss. "Now get out!"

"Okay, okay." he says, hands back up in surrender as he backs away towards the door. He opens the door, slowly walking out backwards. "Is she naked!?" he asks, an amused tone in his voice.

I grab the half empty water bottle on my night stand, chucking it at him. Unfortunately, he closes the door just in time and the plastic smashes against the wood, the water sloshing around inside, causing a lot of noise. The door opens back up, Hoony sticking his hand in, flashing a thumbs up. "Get it! Have fun and don't forget protection!" I hear his muffled voice from behind the door, and even though he can't see me, I flip him off.

Jennie stirs and I freeze, praying she doesn't wake up. She re-adjusts, snuggling closer into my side, and I finally let out a sigh of relief when her breathing evens out once more and I know that she's back asleep.

I maybe get ten minutes of solid sleep before my alarm clock goes off. Jennie and I both startle, and I quickly fumble for my phone, silencing the alarm.

Jennie sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looks around for a moment, getting her bearings before twisting around to look at me.

I can't help but smile, taking in her sleep puffed cheeks and her slightly ruffled hair.

"Hi." I rasp out, running my fingers through my own hair. I stretch, lacing my fingers behind my head after.

I watch her eyes drift down to the small sliver of my stomach showing, my shirt hiking up a bit after my stretch. "Hi." she squeaks.

I can't help but grin, loving that I have at least some sort of effect on her.

"Do we have to go to class?" I whine, wishing that we could stay here all day.

She blinks, clearing her head. "Don't you think we've already skipped enough classes for the day?" she asks, amused.


She laughs, climbing off my bed, making it feel oddly empty even though I've never shared my bed with any girl before.

"We have to turn in our rough drafts for Professor Choi's class today, remember?" she says, straightening out her clothes and throwing her long caramel hair up into a ponytail.

"More like rough, rough draft." I admit, sitting up.

She throws me a look that says 'really', while slipping on her shoes.

I only shrug, climbing out of bed, stretching again. "Alright, miss goody-two-shoes, I guess we're going to class." I huff dramatically, slipping on my shoes.

We both grab our things and head to the cafeteria before going to our perspective classes, meeting up in Professor Choi's class at the end of the day.

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