We Ride on The Hippolyte Airlines

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"You want me to what?" Mark asked.
"Fly. Up to Tengoku No Okoku. The only way I can think of for us to get there is if you fly," I explained.
"This doesn't sound safe,"
"Nothing is safe anymore,"
"Good point,"
Then there was an awkward silence.
"Well... We have a small problem. I can't carry everyone. Even when I carried Sandy, I could barely stay off the ground," Mark sighed.
"Fine! I'll go! After all, it's my mother who sent Adria for help," I threw my hands up into the air.
Then Mark looked into the window of the motel. Travis was sitting there.
"Ha! That's how you ask a girl out!" Mark shouted.
"What?" I asked.
I turn to Latona, who was standing in the doorway.
"Did you hear that?" I asked.
She smiled, nodded, and walked away.
"Latona! Get back here!" I yelled and chased after her.

Mark and I walked out of the motel with our bags. We had Latona make healing potions in case we got hurt. We also had our stash of water bottles and food.
"Mark, I swear, if you make this weird I'm gonna introduce you to my sword," I said.
"Okay then... Let's go!" Mark said.
As we took off, I saw Latona standing in the doorway, smiling.
"Have fun!" She called out to us.
"I hate you!" I yelled back.
"So..." Mark started talk.
"If you say what I think your going to say, I will cut you,"
"Geez. I was just going to ask what your what your favorite color was,"
"You should know this by now,"
"I should?"
"My favorite color is silver,"
"Oh, okay,"
Once again, an awkward silence followed our conversation. Neither of us had much to talk about. We just wanted to get this stupid quest over with.
As we rose above the buildings, I could see people sticking their heads out of windows. Then I remembered that we were in the middle of the city. All these people were looking at two teenagers floating off into the sky.
"Mark? We're getting some unwanted attention here..." I sighed.
"Don't worry about it! They'll forget about it by morning. That's how magic works. When normal people see it, they forget it," Mark explained.
That took a heavy weight off of my shoulders. The last thing we need is for us to be accused of witchcraft then burned at the steak.
At this point, I couldn't see or make out anything on the ground.
"Are we almost there?" I asked.
The height was getting to me. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Almost," Mark said.
I looked up and saw what looked like a little platform that was floating in the air.
"That's it!" Mark exclaimed. 
We landed right in the middle of it.
"Isabelle, welcome to Tengoku No Okoku,"
I looked around. It was quite underwhelming. I expected a giant castle or something like that. Then the place started shaking. Mark grabbed onto my arm before I could fall over. I could see clouds gathering around the platform.
"Mark, something's not right," I said. The air was really cold now.
"I can agree with you there," he said under his breath.
And just like any other time, the unexpected happened. Way to sum up my life.

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