Jensoo in Highschool Part 1

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(Jennie POV)

I wake up for school with a groan. It's the first day back after spring break. I really need to work on my grades because 11th grade will be over soon.

Sighing, I sit up and tug my long brown hair out of its messy bun. As I'm getting ready for school I receive multiple texts from my best friends, Rosé and Lisa.

Don't be late again lol

See u soon :)

I smile. I don't know what I would do without them. Rosé and Lisa helped bring me out of my shell two years ago. Naturally shy, I had struggled to make friends. But things soon changed when I met them.

I put on a pair of jeans and a pale yellow top and brush out my hair. I don't have time to do anything to it because I overslept. Again.

Lisa is standing in my driveway when I exit the house. She is wearing an adorable pink sweater and waiting with a happy expression.

"Come on, let's go unnie!" She says. Even though we're all in the same grade I am the oldest, having already turned seventeen.

"I'm coming," I say. I slide into the driver's seat. Ever since I got my liesence I've been driving Lisa and I to school. Rosé doesn't come because she lives just a few feet away from the High School.

The parking lot is busy when we arrive. Lisa and I hurry into the building and meet Rosé on the front steps. Rosé's long blond hair is tied in a side braid. We greet each other, walking forward, when all of a sudden we all stop.

A group of pretty senior girls walk past, blocking the way. I recognize one or two of them from the softball team I played on last year. But I can't stop staring at the straight A student Kim Jisoo. We were friends back in middle school, but somehow we just kind of drifted apart over the last few years. We were placed in different classes and lost contact.

Jisoo turns her head abruptly, meeting my eyes. Then they turn the corner and dissappear.

"The seniors are so popular," Rosé sighs. "Everyone wants to date them."

"Come on," I say, moving to the lockers. I don't want to think about Jisoo.

The truth is I had a crush on her in eighth grade and I haven't really liked anyone since then. Listening to Lisa and Rosé chat about their homework, I open my locker.

Sitting in plain sight within is a little piece of paper folded into an origami butterfly. My eyebrows raised in surprise, I pick it up to read it.

Wish you have a great day. I hope this makes you smile.

"Uh, thanks," I say, turning around to face my friends. But when they see the note, Lisa and Rosé don't seem to recognize it.

"Wait, it's not from you guys?" I ask. Before they can answer the bell rings.

Sitting at my desk, I work hard to stay focused on the teacher. When the bell rings for lunch, I'm actually feeling good about my schoolwork for once.

"Have you figured out who you're admirer is?" Lisa asks as we set down at our table.

"No, of course not," I say.

"Me either," Lisa says. "I already asked some people but they said it wasn't them."

"What?" I say, embarrassed. Rosé notices.

"Let her be, Lisa," Rosé says warmly. "We'll figure it out soon."

The next day I find another note in my locker. This time the paper is folded into a heart.

The school fair is next week. I'll see you then.

I don't tell Lisa or Rosé about the note because I know they'll just tease me, especially since it was shaped in a heart.

The next day there's another note

I like you

- from your secret admirer.
(There's a clue about my identity in the locker)

I hastily rummage through my locker, finding a picture taken from a Polaroid camera. The picture is of me a few years ago, smiling with my eyes closed. My mind begins to race. Who would have a picture of me?

It's during math class that I remember. Im middle school, Jisoo came to school one day with a camera she had gotten for her birthday. I remember she took a lot of pictures and probably one of them was of me. I decide to ask her in person.

I know that Jisoo usually studies at a certain time in the Library. I go there alone after school.

I try to act casual as I hide amongst the shelves, peeking at Jisoo from between the books. She's just as beautiful as always. I catch my breath then close my eyes.

Finally I work up the courage to talk to her. I emerge from behind the bookshelf and walk up to Jisoo. She looks up at me, curiosity in her dark eyes.

"Hi," I say with a little wave. But before I can ask my question, Jisoo speaks first.

"Do you want to study with me, Jennie?" She asks. I'm a little shocked and say yes, awkwardly setting down. Maybe we can be friends again.

Jisoo helps me alot with my homework and we exchange numbers. The time flies by. I barely notice that its 5:30 and  the library's about to close.

"This was really nice, Jennie," Jisoo says, putting away her stuff in her backpack. "We should do this again soon."

"Yes," I say. "Are you going to the school fair?"

"Yeah, I'm running one of the booths. Will you look for me?"

"Of course. Bye." I turn to leave but Jisoo calls out to me and I turn to face her.

"You're really pretty, Jennie," Jisoo says. Feeling my cheeks redden, I bow my head so she can't see.

"Thanks. So are you."

That night I lie away dreaming about her. Oh, Jisoo, I really do still have a crush on you.

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