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(Jisoo POV)

I know somethings up the second I enter the room. Jennie is sitting on our bed with her eyes full of unshed tears and her phone in her hand.

"Jennie, baby, are you okay?" I ask. I sit next to her on the bed and pull her into a hug with my face nestled on her shoulder.

"I'm fine, I guess," Jennie says. "I'm just overreacting."

"Do you want to tell me what it is?" I ask. Jennie shakes her head no. I sigh. I really want to know what has my girlfriend so upset but I also don't want to keep pressing her making her annoyed with me. She'll tell me when she's ready.

"I'm going to go make us dinner," I say standing up. I hesitate for a moment in case Jennie wants me to stay but she doesn't say anything. I turn around and enter the kitchen.

The next day at work I find it hard to focus. My coworker Rosé notices.

"You seem kindof worried about something," Rosé says sweetly. She smiles at me from her desk. I set down my coffee and sit back in my chair.

"I want to do something for Jennie, to show her how much I care about her," I say. "But I don't know what to do."

"How long have you two been dating?" Rosé asks.

"Two years," I answer.

"Two years!" Lisa repeats as she walks past with some papers in her hands. "That's crazy. It feels like yesterday when you first got together. Remember when we all went to the beach and you confessed to Jennie? It was so cute!" Lisa starts squealing at the memory.

"You're right," I say. "I should take Jennie back to the beach!" Just then our manager walks by and we all pretend to be busy with work.

(Jennie POV)

It's another normal day at the vet clinic. I get to see a bunch of cute pets and cure them. It always leaves me feeling happy.  

I take a break in between appointments to use the bathroom. When I go to wash my hands I see my reflection in the mirror. I look like my usual self except for the faint dark circles under my eyes. I had a hard time going to sleep last night. Poor Jisoo. She has no idea why I was in tears yesterday. Should I tell her?

I get a notification on my phone and see that it's a text from Jisoo. She says she taking me somewhere after work.

Where? I text back.

Its a surprise...... Jisoo responds.

I smile and turn off my phone. Jisoo always finds some kind of way to make my life more exciting. Wow. I'm really lucky to have such a great girlfriend.

Hearing my name called I realize I should probably check on the next pet.

Three hours later I'm in the passenger's seat of Jisoo's car. It's weird cause I'm usually the one who drives.

"How far is it?" I ask.

"Not that far," Jisoo smiles at me. I can tell her eyes are smiling too even though she's wearing sunglasses.

Soon we reach the beach. My heart freezes when we walk out onto the sand together. The waves crash endlessly before me and yet the air is still.

Two years ago on this same beach Jisoo declared her true feelings for me. That was one of the happiest days of my life. Maybe the happiest of all.

By now Jisoo has already taken off her jean shorts and shirt. Underneath she's wearing her purple swimsuit that leaves her arms and midriff bare.

"I wanted to take you back here to remind you of how much I love you," Jisoo says. "We've been together for two years and I want to stay with you for so many more. You mean so much to me, Jennie."

Looking at her I realize that even my bold and lively Jisoo seems a little nervous. It's the afternoon so the beach is crowded with people. Last time we came it was early morning and it was just the two of us there.

"Do you want to know why I was sad last night, unnie?" I ask. "It's because I bought a very special gift for you but then I lost it."

"You lost it?" Jisoo asks confused.

"Yes," I say. Now I'm starting to cry again. "I bought you a ring, Jisoo. I wanted to propose to you. But then I lost it."

"That's okay," Jisoo says after her initial shock. "I'm sure you'll find it. And once you do I'll say yes."



I bend down and kiss Jisoo's neck. She jerks away a little and looks around.

"Don't look at them," I say. "Let them think what they think. It's just a kiss."

"Kiss me in the water," Jisoo says.

I grab her hand and we run into the ocean.

I couldn't think of anywhere for Jennie to work so she ended up being a vet. Do you like Jennie or Jisoo POV better?

Thanks for reading :)

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