Office Jensoo Part 2

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(Jennie POV)

Jisoo and I become good friends over the nest few weeks. It's a usual sight for the other workers to see us walking together and heading out to each lunch together. Lisa hasn't asked me about it but today I really need to talk to her.

"Lisa?" I say. I sit by her as usual every morning at my desk.

"Yeah?" Lisa spins around to face me.

"I just, I need to ask you what I should do," I explain.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, recently I kind of feel like Jisoo is flirting with me." I blush a little when I say this and can't meet Lisa's gaze.

"Really?" Lisa says. "I mean, I guess I'm not that surprised. Do you like her?"


"I haven't really thought about it," I answer honestly. Do I like Jisoo? Of course I do. But do I like like her?

"I'm not the best with relationship advice," Lisa shrugs. "Maybe you could ask Rosé?"

I eat my lunch at the office to save money but also to avoid seeing Jisoo. I walk over to where Rosé is heating up her food in the microwave.

"Hey," she says with a little wave. I suddenly feel embarrassed and wish I hadn't come.

"I just need to ask you a question," I say. Rosé sets down on one if the little couches.

"I'm listening," she says with a smile.

"Um how do you know if you like someone or not?" I ask nervously.

"It's simple," Rosé says. "You think about them a lot and want to be around them. Maybe you should ask the other person how they feel?"

"Oh, um thanks," I say. I leave the room, a little in a trance. I already get the feeling that Jisoo likes me. Do I like her back? My mind feels all muddled and confused.

"Are you alright?" I turn to find Jisoo standing across of me. I just exited the building for some fresh air and I happened to run into Jisoo.

"I'm fine," I say. I tuck my hair behind my ear. Why do I feel so nervous right now? Does Jisoo feel the same way?

I'm running through an open field. The sun is setting and the clouds are pink and orange. I reach out my hand to feel the tall wildflowers as I brush past.

"Jennie!" Jisoo is standing a few feet away, her arms outstretched. I smile wildly and run faster, then crash into her embrace. I stroke Jisoo's back and hold her close.

"I like you, unnie," I whisper to her. "I like you a lot."

I wake up with a start. When did I fall asleep? Looking around I realize where I am, Jisoo's office. Now I remember. Jisoo and I reentered the building together and started talking together on the couch about work. I must have fallen asleep.

I look beside me and see Jisoo there with her laptop on her lap.

"You're awake?" She says, looking at me.

"Sorry," I say. "I can't belive I just fell asleep like that."

"It's fine, you were only asleep for like twenty minutes. Anyway you should probably head home now."

I glance at the clock in the room and see that it's almost five.

"Um, Jisoo?" I say. Jisoo sets down her laptop and turns to face me.

"What is it?" She asks.

I scoot a little closer. After a pause I finally say it. "I like you, unnie. I like you a lot."

Just like my dream. Although this time it's Jisoo who crashes into my arms and holds me tight. I stay there a minute before I move back a little so I can look at her face. Jisoo is smiling so wide that her eyes are little half moons. I've never seen her so happy like this.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Jennie?" Jisoo asks.

"What do you think?" I say playfully. I lean forward and place a soft kiss on her cheek. Then two, three more times coming closer to her lips. I can see Jisoo's ear turning pink. I stand up and reach out my hand.

"Coming?" I ask. Jisoo nods and takes my hand.

I don't really know where we're going, but wherever it is Jisoo's coming with me.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now