Jealousy (Part 3)

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(Jisoo POV)

After spending the day with Jennie, I remember why I love her so much. She's fun, creative, kind, always radiating joy. And she's beautiful.

I drive Jennie home that night, parking in her driveway.

"Thanks for an amazing day, unnie," Jennie says.

I smile back, the words I love you once again surfacing in my mind. Jennie blinks, looking a little confused, and I realize I said those words outloud. Accidentally. And she heard me.

My body freezes. I said to Jennie that I love her? Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?

Jennie looks at me for a few seconds, her face finally settling into a composed smile.

"I love you too, Jisoo," she says. But I know she means it only as friends. Still the words send trickles of warmth down my back and tears down my cheeks. Jennie reaches out a hand to wipe the tear from my face and I can tell from her expression that she understands me. She knows why I'm crying. She knows that I truly lover her.

"You-" I start, my voice catching in my throat. You know? How long have you known?

"Jisoo, its okay," Jennie says, reading my thoughts. "We can still be friends."

Friends. She didn't reject me, not directly. At lease she still wants to see me. But it's clear that she doesn't love me back, not in the way I want her too.

"Thanks," I manage to croak put despite the tears. "And good night."

"Good night." Jennie wipes on final tear away, her hand lingering on my face, before she leaves the vehicle.

The next day is Friday. If I found it difficult to concentrate in class yesterday, today is even harder. Rosé immediately notices that she something is wrong but she waits until we're alone in the restroom to ask about it. We're both washing out hands at the sink.

"I can tell somethings bothering you," Rosé says. "You don't have to tell me what it is, just know I'm here for you."

"Thank you so much," I say, pulling her into a quick hug. I'm lucky to have such good friends.

We both exit the restroom and separate to head to our separate classes. It's then that I see them in the hallway.

Jennie has her back to the wall, fear in her eyes. Ryan is towering over her with one hand tightly holding her wrist. I can see his mouth moving but I can't make out what he's saying. But I can tell that he is angry. Very angry.

"...would do this to me? I've been nothing but nice to you!"

"Yes, you're a great guy, Ryan," Jennie says to him, "I just don't have feelings for you. I only dated you because you asked me out ad I wanted to be in a relationship. I thought I would fall for you later on. I'm sorry."

"It's only been like three months," Ryan says, pressing closer. "You can still fall for me. Just give me another chance, please."

"No." Jennie's answer is sharp and aggressive. And so is Ryan's slap to her face.

The slap echoes through the empty hallway. I march up to them and yanked Ryan's head by his hair.

"How dare you!" I yell. I hold him with strength I didn't know I possessed. Jennie watches openmouthed as I pull at Ryan's hair and he begs for mercy at my feet. I let go reluctantly, watching him with flaming eyes.

"Don't ever touch her again," I command him. Ryan narrows his eyes at me, not answering, and sprints out of the hallway. I watch him leave, chest heaving from the adrenaline, and my hands still clenched in fists.

"Unnie." A breathless Jennie hugs me from behind and buries her head in my shoulder. "I was so scared."

My body finally relaxes and I turn around to hug Jennie back, patting her dark hair.

"You're safe now," I whisper to her. I realize that Jennie is crying.

"I'm so sorry," she says next to my ear. "I never should have dated him. I never realized...I never knew how much you loved me."

I hesitate, too scared to speak.

"Jisoo," Jennie whispers. Her face remains hidden in my shoulder. "I think I love you too, but I'm not sure. Do you think, do you think we can try? Slowly, at first."

"Try what?" I ask, not daring to believe it.

"You know," Jennie whispers back. She giggles, a sound I have not heard from her in a long time. "I want to see you more often. And maybe one day I can be your girlfriend."

Jennie looks up at me with fiercely blushing cheeks.

"I'd love that," I say and press a gentle kiss against the side of her face. Jennie wipes her eyes, slips her hand into mine, and we walk to class.

We receive a scolding from the teacher from being late but I don't mind at all. I sneak a glance at Jennie and find her staring at me. She gives me a finger heart before looking away. I hide my blushing face behind my notebook. A moment later, when the teacher's back is turned, I sneak another glance at Jennie. And this time I don't look away.

Authors Note: The three part miniseries is done! Xoxo

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