Jisoo's Graduation

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(Jennie POV)

I feel extremely nervous as I drive up to Jisoo's house. Today Lisa, Rosé, and I are all meeting up with with Jisoo one last time before she leaves for college. We've promised to keep in touch but I know it won't be the same. We'll barely see each other. Honestly, I don't think I can survive a semester without Jisoo.

I walk into the house and find that everyone is already there. It's already evening and we're all wearing casual, comfy clothes. I did apply a small amount of makeup, just in case. Just in case I'm brave enough to tell Jisoo my true feelings about her tonight.

"I brought snacks!" Lisa says, holding up a bag of chips. Rosé snatches them from her.

"Thanks," she says. Lisa tries to grab the bag back.

"There's plenty of food here," Jisoo says to stop the food fight over the chips. "Jennie, do you want to help me get some drinks?"

"Sure," I say. Even though my voice sounds relaxed my body isn't. Jisoo and I stand side by side at the kitchen counter. Jisoo reaches over me to fill up her glass with water and I subconsciously hold my breath. She's so close. She's so pretty.

It's no secret that I like girls. My friend group has known for years. But it is a secret that I like one girl. One specific girl.

The evening passes in a blur. After the movie Lisa wants to play truth or dare. I don't really want to but somehow Lisa manages to convince all of us to play.

"Jisoo, truth or dare?" Lisa starts.

"Dare," Jisoo answers.

"Since it's your graduation party I'll go easy on you," Lisa says. "I dare you to pick up the person next to you."

"Oh." Jisoo looks at me sitting beside her. "I'll do my best. We're about the same height though so I don't know if I can pick you up."

"Just try!" Rosé urges. Jisoo and I both stand up. I force myself not to blush or anything as Jisoo wraps her arms around my hips. Then she lifts me.

My feet are only an inch or two above the ground while my chest presses against Jisoo's collarbone. My long hair falls into her eyes.

"I guess that counts," Lisa says as Jisoo releases me. I sit cross legged and avoid Jisoo's gaze.

"My turn," Jisoo says. "Jennie, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I say without thinking.

"Do you have anyone you like?" Jisoo asks. Rosé and Lisa both look at me.

I swallow nervously. "Yes," I answer. "I'll tell you who it is later."

Lisa gasps in surprise. She starts whispering to Rosé, probably guessing who my crush is. Jisoo and I just stare at each other.

Too soon its close to midnight and Rosé and Lisa leave. I stay behind, standing near the front door, my shoes in my hands.

"You good?" Jisoo asks coming up behind me.

I turn with a smile. "I didn't see you there."

"Jennie," Jisoo starts. "I'm really going to miss you a lot."

My smile turns bittersweet. "Me too. Jisoo."


My breath catches in my throat. I want to tell her so badly. But what if I'm rejected? What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore after I tell her? I would rather just be friends than risk loosing her. Besides, as far as I know, Jisoo is straight. She could never like me like that.

"Were you going to say something?" Jisoo asks. I realize then that I've been silent for too long. But I've made my decision.

"Goodbye," I say. "Have fun. And don't miss me too much."

"Okay," Jisoo smiles. "Bye."

I take a second to zip up my boots and throw on my jacket. Jisoo walks closer to me and pulls me into a hug. It isn't a side hug. We are snuggled against each other, her hands on my back.

"I hope that person likes you back, Jennie," Jisoo says.

"Yeah, me too."

We break apart. But just before the hug is over I peck the side of Jisoo's face with my lips. I didn't mean to do it. Embarrased, I open the front door. Jisoo calls out goodbye one last time as I face the cold night air waiting for me outside.

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