Jisoo confesses to Jennie

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(Jisoo POV)

I've been obsessed with Jennie for as long as I can remember. We first met in eighth grade when she moved here from South Korea. Ever since then we've been good friends. But never anything more.

I'm too scared to tell her how I feel because I don't want to lose our friendship. But tonight I know I just have to. If I don't I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

"There you are, Jisoo, come inside!" Lisa says running up to me. 

Today is Jennie's eighteenth birthday and there are about ten of us all going to her house. Jennie has always been super popular at school. Even though she's had plenty of people interested in her Jennie has never dated anyone. Anytime anyone brings up the subject of dating or crushes Jennie finds some way to leave the room or change the subject. I don't understand her.

When I finally notice Jennie my body freezes. Jennie is wearing a sparkly purple dress and her long dark hair hangs down her back. She sees me and waves.

"Happy birthday," I say with a smile. 

"Thanks." Jennie leans close and pulls me into a friendly hug. My hands feel cold when I touch her warm back and I quickly move away. Jennie doesn't notice.

I focus on being my normal bubbly self during the party. I try not to think about my plans for confessing my feelings to Jennie later today. When I do think about it my stomach tightens nervously and I find it hard to look at her.

Finally almost everyone is gone and its just me and Jennie left.

"Its getting dark," Jennie says. "Be careful driving home."

"I will," I say. I stand there awkwardly.

"Is there something you wanted to say?" Jennie asks.

"Um, actually yes," I say. Then I realize that I have no idea how to say it. Should I have planned something beforehand? My throat closes up and I can't speak. Jennie walks closer to me.

"Jisoo, are you okay?" she asks. I realize that my eyes are filling with tears. What?

"I'm okay, really," I say quickly. "Its just that I know someone who has a crush on you."

"Really?" Jennie looks a little disappointed. "Someone else? Who is it?"

"They've liked you forever," I continue. "But they don't really know how to say it out loud."

"Who is it?" Jennie repeats. 

"Um... me." My voice gets quiet so that the last word is barely spoken. But Jennie still hears me. She smiles.

"I know," she says.


"I mean, I already knew you liked girls," Jennie explains. "And you would sometimes stutter or get really nervous when speaking to me but you never acted like that to anyone else. Plus, Lisa already told me that someone in our friend group liked me and she kind of hinted that it was you. I hope you're not mad at her."

"No, I'm not mad," I say. But inside I can't believe Lisa would betray me like that. But she was just trying to help.

"So..." I start. Then I panic. What do I say next? 

(Jennie POV)

I hide a smile watching as Jisoo blushes and then plays with her hair as she does when she's nervous. Jisoo is almost a year older than me and I'm not used to seeing her act like this. Its so cute.

"So..." Jisoo starts again.

"So, let's go out on a date," I finish for her. 

"Really? I mean, yes." Her eyes brighten as she smiles. I reach for Jisoo's hand.

"Thanks for telling me," I say. "And on my birthday too. You made it extra special."

Jisoo starts blushing again. "Jennie," she says. I lean closer and peck the side of her face with the softest kiss. Jisoo stares at me.

"Was that okay?" I ask.

Jisoo nods and smiles warmly. "You don't have to ask," she says. Then there's a "ding" as Jisoo gets a notification on her phone. She looks at it briefly.

"It's from my mom," Jisoo says. "She's asking why I'm not home yet."

"Oh, then you should head back," I say. "See you on Monday."

"See you." Jisoo hesitates before kissing me back on the cheek. But I surprise her by turning my head so that our lips touch for a moment before we both break apart.

Jisoo smiles again and wordlessly leaves the house. 

I go to sleep exhausted with happiness that night. I can't wait to see her again.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now