Piano Lesson

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(Jennie POV)

I press the pillow against my face and release a silent scream. My fingers claw at the fabric in frustration. Nothing in my life is going the way that I want it to. 

Eventually my breathing slows down to normal and I raise myself from the bed. This won't get me anywhere. I walk out of my bedroom. Catching my reflection in the mirror I see that my hair is a mess and there's dark circles under my eyes. Honestly, I don't really care anymore.

Downstairs I walk to the piano and set down. I used to play years ago in middle school and I've barely touched it since. My parents are out of the house so I know no one will hear me. I can't help myself. My fingers rest on the dusty keys.

I play a song I barely remember. I start slowly and then play faster and faster as my feelings transform themselves into music. It doesn't sound good but it doesn't sound bad. I forget where I am, what I'm doing, what made me so distressed in the first place. I forget everything.

But something warm on my neck brings me back to reality. Someone is standing behind me, watching me closely. I stop playing and turn to face them. Jisoo stands there in her school uniform with her backpack slung over her arm.

"You didn't come to school today," Jisoo asks. "Are you okay?" I wish everyone would stop asking me that.

"I'm perfectly fine," I say.

"Is this because Lisa dumped you?" Jisoo asks gently.

"I don't want to talk about it." The words sound fiercer than I meant them to. I stand up to leave but Jisoo grabs hold of my arm.

"I took notes during class so I can help you catch up with homework," Jisoo says. "Jennie, let me help you."

"I don't need your help," I say. I tug but her hold is too strong.

"Jennie, everyone needs help," Jisoo says. "I know you're really sad about Lisa right now but one day in the future you'll feel better. Your heart will heal and you'll move on."

"I'm not brokenhearted," I say. I know that I'm lying.

"You can be honest with me," Jisoo says. "You don't have to pretend to be okay all the time."

I sigh with a shaky breath and my body relaxes. Why is she so persistent? I just want to go back to my room and cry. I know Lisa and I only dated for a month but I had so much hope in us. I thought we would really be together for a long time.

"I just don't understand why she broke up with me," I say. My voice is barely even a whisper. "Is there something wrong with me? Does she hate me that much?"

"She doesn't hate you," Jisoo says. Her voice is comforting to me. "People break up all the time, its perfectly normal. It's not your fault."

Somehow I find myself in Jisoo's arms. My head rests on her shoulder and she strokes my hair with her hand, untying the knots. I can't bring myself to move away. My eyes fill with tears but I force myself not to cry.

"Let go, Jisoo," I say. She steps back with a sad smile on her face.

"Do you want to study?" She asks.

"Sure," I say. "Just because you'll give me all the right answers."

"No, I won't." Jisoo reaches for her bag that has since fallen to the floor. "Its so quiet in here."

"My parents are both at work," I explain. I move towards the kitchen table. "Let's go in here. I'll go get my stuff."

A few minutes later Jisoo and I sit across from each other at the table. She summarizes the new math lesson for me and helps me work out the first few problems. Its nice having a friend who keeps good grades. 

"Why do you help me out so much," I say. I feel a little guilty. "You know I could never figure this out on my own."

"I like helping people," Jisoo says, "but you're my best friend. So I like helping you the best."

"Shouldn't I do something in return?" I ask. 

"I really liked that song you were playing just now," Jisoo says. "You could teach me."

"Okay," I agree. "We've already been working for an hour. Let's do it now."

We both stand up and head back to the other room. I feel a little nervous as Jisoo sits beside me on the piano bench. The bench is small so our hips are pressed together.

"I'm not that great at it," I say. "And I'm probably worse at teaching."

"Go ahead," Jisoo says. She looks so excited.

"Well, to start put your hands here." I take Jisoo's right hand and place it in the correct position on the piano. Her hand feels soft under mine. I press down my fingers in a certain pattern to play the first few notes of the song.

"Now you try it," I say, removing my hand. Jisoo bites the side of her lip in concentration and attempts to play the notes.

"Close," I say. "Try again, like this." I give the instructions again. I can feel Jisoo's attention wavering as she studies my face. Her nose brushes against my cheek.

Startling emotions rise up in my chest. I playfully nudge Jisoo's shoulder.

"You're distracting me," I say. Jisoo smiles.

"Sorry, its hard to pay attention," she says. She looks back at the piano. After a few more minutes Jisoo touches my face again. This time I can't resist and I end up kissing her chin with my mouth.

"We should probably just give up," I say.

"You're right," Jisoo says. "It's a lot harder than it looks."

"Hmm." I don't say anything else. I simply pull Jisoo into a hug.

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