Jealousy (Part 2)

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(Jisoo POV)

I wait for the next two days for Jennie to text like she promised. At the end of the second day I lie on my bed in the dark, feeling the sadness and lonliness wash over me.

I can't let it go on like this. In the end I decide to ask her. I send her a simple text asking if she still wants to hang out. I then stuff my phone under my pillow after checking that my alarms are set. I shut my eyes tightly and bury myself in the warm blankets, refusing to check my phone for a reply. Right now the most important thing is sleep.

I wake up on time the next day and go about my usual morning routine before school. I can practically do it all with my eyes closed by now. Brush my teeth, do something quick and simple with my hair, apply a hint of makeup, put on an outfit I've worn dozen of times before. I stand in front of the bathroom mirrior about to go, wearing my favorite purple cardigan and faded jeans. But then I change out the jeans for a skirt I almost never wear.

You will talk to Jennie today, I tell myself. My reflection nods in response just as my mom starts yelling at me to get downstairs. Right. I don't want to be late.

I stopped taking the bus last year when I got my license. Lisa, who lives across the street from me, always rides with me now. The familiar drive goes by quickly with Lisa chating about some celebrity she's recently into. Once we park Lisa gets out of the car and runs to Rosé who happens to be walking past. I take a moment before turning off the car to check if Jennie responded.

She sent a text just five minutes ago. Let's meet today after school. Five words. My heart leaps inside me. In a few short hours I'll be with my crush.

The few short hours turn out to be very long hours. Jennie and I share the same math class together and we wave to each other as we find out seats. But we sit on opposite ends if the classroom so we aren't able to talk. During lunch Lisa whisks me away to our table. I don't look for Jennie then, knowing I'll see her soon.

Once school is finally over I walk with Lisa and Rosé to the exit.

"You can go on ahead," I say abruptly. "I'm meeting someone."

"Ooooo," Lisa says in a sing-song voice. I can tell she's about to ask me a million questions but Rosé grabs her hand and pulls her away.

"Have fun!" Rosé says.

"Bye!" Lisa shouts. The other students glance in her direction but they don't look too surprised. Lisa is well known as being friendly and charismatic. She's almost as popular as Jennie. It's too bad that Lisa and Rosé are both a year younger than me so we don't share any classes.

"There you are!"

I turn around to see Jennie running up to me. She looks as beautiful as always but I sense tiredness in her eyes. She pulls me into a warm hug.

"Sorry I haven't been able to talk," Jennie says. "The past two days have been crazy."

"Really? What happened?" I ask.

Jennie bites her lip. "Um, I'll tell you on the way. Did you drive here?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Good," Jennie smiles. "Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you want to," I say.

"I'll just tag along to your house. It's been a while since I was there."

"It was for my birthday, wasn't it? We all had a big sleepover."

"Right! And we built that huge fort out if sheets and pillows but your mom made us take it down."

We laugh together at the memory and the easy conversation carries us to the parking lot. I haven't felt this happy in months. When I'm driving home I can't help but brim with joy when I look to the side and see Jennie in the passenger's seat.

She's only been to my house once and that was during my birthday when there were five or six of us in total. This time it's just the two of us.

We walk through the front door together. Neither of my parents have returned from work yet so it's just us. Jennie collapses onto the couch with a happy sigh and I sit down beside her.

"So, the past two days?" I say.

"Right." Jennie sits up and looks at me. "Well, there's something I have to do but I'm scared to do it. So I keep waiting."

Jennie's hair became slightly messed when she jumped into the couch so I reach out a careful hand to smooth it out.

"I really want to break up with Ryan," Jennie says, "but I don't know how to tell him. I hinted at it yesterday but he got really mad. I just don't know what to do."

"Oh." I wasn't expecting that.

"That was a lot," Jennie laughs awkwardly. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay," I say. "You can tell me anything."

"Thanks," Jennie smiles. "I feel better already." I look down and see that Jennie's hand is resting on top of mine. I screenshot the image in my mind, not wanting to ever forget.

"Let's do something fun, Jisoo-unnie," Jennie says. She stands up from the couch. I follow her.

(Author's Note)

This was supposed to be a oneshot but as I'm writing it keeps getting longer lol. I'll try to resolve everything in the next part but if not then it might be in four parts. Just thinking out loud. Anyway thanks again for reading. 🥰💖

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