Call me your Girlfriend

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(Jisoo POV)

When I open my eyes I can feel Jennie's warm, sleeping body beside me. I prop myself up on my elbow to see her better and move a stray piece of hair out of her eyes. I still can't get over how beautiful Jennie is, and that she's mine. I want to tell her how much I love her. Lowering my head, I kiss my girlfriend.

Jennie moves her head, blinking her eyes.

"Good morning," I say to her.

"What day is it?" Jennie asks sleepily.

"It's our anniversary," I answer. How has the time already passed so quickly? Jennie smiles and opens her eyes. She reaches out her hand to play with my hair.

"I have to work today," I say. Jennie pouts, making me want to kiss her again.

"I'll be back at five," I say. "And we'll go out together, wherever you want to go."

Jennie buries her head in my chest. "Can you be a few minutes late to work?" She whispers.

"Jennie," I say. She laughs as I bury my face in her neck. But I emerge from the bed moments later, Jennie in my arms. I carry her out of the bedroom and set her down.

"I'll make breakfast," Jennie offers.

"Thanks." I peck her forehead with my lips. "I love you."

"Love you too."

That night I take Jennie out to her favorite restaurant. We talk about our jobs and reminisce about the past. As we're walking out, I see Jeon Somi, a girl I used to known in middle school. She is working at the restaurant now.

"You've grown up so much," I say.

"So have you," Somi says. "Who is your friend?"

"This is Kim Jennie," I say.

"Hello," Somi says to Jennie. Then she hears her boss yelling. "I should probably get back to work. It was nice seeing you two."

We say bye and walk out of the restaurant. As I'm about to head down the sidewalk I notice that Jennie isn't following me. Looking back I see her standing with her head bowed.

"What's wrong, Jennie?" I ask.

"You didn't introduce me as your girlfriend," Jennie says. She pouts her lips again. "Are you ashamed of me or something?"

"Oh, Jennie, I'm so sorry," I say. I walk back to her. "I guess I just wasn't thinking."

"Jisoo," Jennie says. "Do you love me?"

"Yes," I say.

"How much?"

"This much." I start running up and down the empty street, my arms flung wide. I don't even realize that it's started raining and small droplets if water are landing in my hair. Jennie runs up to me and slides her hand into mine.

"You're so cute, unnie," she says. The rain starts falling harder and my vision is blurred. I squeeze Jennie's hand.

"Let's go home, Girlfriend," I say. Jennie walks beside me.

"Yes, unnie," She says. "But why do you want to go back so soon?"

"A surprise," I say. Jennie guesses what I mean and she starts walking faster. As the rain pelts us even harder, our steps turn into a fast run that leaves us breathless and wild.

Looking at Jennie, my boots hitting against the pavement, the rain falling, have I ever felt this happy before? I feel even more ecstatic knowing that the feeling won't go away soon.

I'll always have Jennie. And if I don't have her, I'll still possess our memories. My skin will forever treasure her touch and my eyes will always remember her smile.

When Jennie smiles I smile. When she cries my heart aches and I instantly long to comfort her. In times like this, on days like today, it feels like we were meant to be together.

We arrive at the apartment building panting and soaked. At last we reach the door and I swing it open, also folding up the umbrella. Jennie kicks off her shoes.

"Are you tired, unnie?" She asks.

"No," I repond.

"Good." Jennie takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom.

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