Night Talk

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(Jisoo POV)

I sing the last few notes of the song into the mic. I have spent the last few days recording my solo song and I've finally finished. The staff congratulates me as I pick up my water bottle and my bag.

"Great job," they say.

"Thank you," I reply. I head out into the cold night air. How did it get dark this fast? I wonder if Jennie already went to sleep. I can't help smiling to myself when I think of her. Over the past month or two Jennie and I have grown really close. We haven't told anyone yet. I wonder if she will let me kiss her tonight.

I hurry back to the Blackpink dorm. I hug my arms to keep from freezing. Please don't be asleep, Jennie, please wait for me. I'm almost there.

I open the door. Lisa greets me with a warm hug.

"You're freezing, unnie," she says.

"Where is everyone?" I ask. I peer over her shoulder into room.

"The all went to bed," Lisa answers. "I'm pretty tired myself but I had to stay up to finish my show. Well, goodnight Jisoo."

"Goodnight." I walk to my room, standing in front of the door. No, I should go see her. Jennie, I have to see you, even if it's just for a moment.

Yes. I can see a smal light shining through the cracks of your door. You did wait for me, Jennie.

I slowly creak open the door and step inside. Jennie is seated on her bed, a small lamp on, a book in her hand. I watch as she rubs her eyes. Her hair is tied up in a loose, messy ponytail. She's wearing sweatpants and a black sports bra. My heart skips a beat when I notice her collarbone glowing in the faint light, her midriff bare and beautiful.

"Jennie." I cross the room, unable to stay away a moment longer. Jennie looks up at me and her eyes immediately brighten.

"You're back, unnie," she says. Jennie throws out her arms. Without a word I sit down beside her on the bed and melt into her embrace. My chin rests on her shoulder. I hold her tight.

"Unnie," Jennie whispers. "I don't want you to go."

"Hmm?" I say. I don't understand.

"I want you to sleep with me tonight, right here," Jennie says. I feel my arms stiffen as I break away.

"Jennie," I start. "I really want to but what if-"

"No excuses," Jennie smiles. She brushes my hair out if my eyes. "You are mine."

My body reacts before my mind has time to think. My lips press against Jennie's forehead, her cheeks, and finally her mouth. Jennie responds with a quiet sound of pleasure as her hands snake around my neck.

I can't believe how good this feels, how much I love her. Jennie, do you know that I thought about you all day? Do you know how much I wanted to kiss you?

I amuse myself with Jennie's bra straps as I kiss her. My hand travels down her chest, to her stomach, touching her skin.  Jennie lowers her head to my neck and starts kissing it. I slow down, enjoying the moment. I feel her warmth, her scent, her taste. Everything is perfect. Jennie is perfect.

"Jennie?" I say. She responds with a sound as her mouth is too busy to form words. "I really like you. So much. More than I ever thought I could like someone."

"I like you too," Jennie says. She raises her head to face me. Her eyes are so beautiful, passionate and determined. "I just want to be with you. You make me happy."

I hug her again and we fall onto the bed. Our heads share one pillow.

"I'm cold," Jennie whispers. I pull the covers over us and reach over to turn out the light.

"Jisoo unnie," Jennie says. I can barely see her in the darkness. I place my hand on her hair, stroking it.

"Goodnight," she says.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Not that tired," Jennie says. Her lips curve into a smile. "Jisoo, can you kiss me again?"

"You don't have to ask, Jennie," I say. "Just kiss me yourself."

Jennie laughs.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now