First Encounter

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(Jennie POV)

I can't belive I'm going on a blind date. When did I become this desperate? I've dated many people in the past but none of them lasted very long. Lately I've started going to college and I've gotten really busy with schoolwork. It was my roommates, Rosé and Lisa, who set me up with this anyway.

"Why am I going again?" I ask them. I'm dressed in jeans and a simple gray top. Lisa insisted that I take my hair out of its messy clip.

"You need a change," Rosé says. "This could be good for you."

"Or it could go horribly wrong," I say.

"Just go already," Lisa says, tired of hearing my complaints. She basically shoves me out the door.

I get in my car and start driving to the local coffee shop off campus. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm feeling a little nervous. I haven't dated since I broke up with my boyfriend six months ago. What if I'm too shy to ask them questions. What if they're shy?

I park the car and get out. I'm going to get through this as fast as possible. Then Rosé and Lisa will stop messing with my love life.

"You must be Kim Jennie," a voice says. "I recognize you from class."

I turn around. It's a girl. She has on a cute summery dress and her wavy hair makes her look like an angel or something. Wow. She's gorgeous.

I'm a little surprised. I know I told Rosé and Lisa that I'm bisexual when I first started college but for some reason I was expecting a guy.

"Um, yes, I'm Jennie," I say once I remember that the girl is still standing there.

"We were in English class together first semester," the girl says. "You probably don't remember me. I'm Kim Jisoo." She holds out her hand. I guess I'm supposed to shake it. I tentatively grab her hand. I can't help but notice how soft her hand is and how kind and pretty her smile is up close.

"Let's go inside," Jisoo says.

"Oh, right," I say. I force myself to look away.

We set down at a table. I order coffee and a scone while Jisoo orders tea and a sandwich.

"Do you know Rosé and Lisa?" I ask.

"Rosé and I were friends in High School," Jisoo says. "We took music class together. She's amazing at the guitar."

"Yeah, she plays in the dorm sometimes," I say. The waiter comes over with our plates.

"Hey," Jisoo says after taking a sip of her drink. "Let's play a game."

"What game?" I ask.

"Truth or dare," Jisoo says. I snort into my coffee. Lisa always tried to play it in the dorm at night. That's how she ended up running down the hallway in the middle if the night.

"Truth," I say.

"Is this your first blind date?"

"Yes," I answer. "You're turn. Truth or dare."

"Dare," Jisoo smiles again, this time it's a daring smile. She's brave.

"Sing loud enough so everyone can hear," I say. Jisoo's eyes widen a little in panic but then she clears her throat.

Jisoo starts singing a Dua Lipa song in the middle of the Cafe. People turn their heads to look. I grab her arm during the second line.

"That’s enough," I say. Somehow I'm the one who's embarrassed.

"That was a good one," Jisoo says. "Truth or dare."

"Dare," I say.

"Go one another date with me."

"Dang, that was smooth," I say. Jisoo laughs, pleased.

"You sound really good, though," I say. "You could be a singer."

"Really? Thanks." Jisoo smiles. "We should exchange numbers," she says.

"You're right," I agree. I pull out my phone.

An hour later Jisoo and I leave the coffee shop. We've already agreed to meet next week and I find myself looking forward to it.

That night Lisa and Rosé beg me for details but I keep my mouth shut. I don't want to tell them, not yet.

I go to Jisoo's number wanting to text her. But what should I say? There's so many things I want to tell her. You're beautiful, you're fun, one day I want to tell you the words "I love you"

But for right now I don't say it. Because we have time. Time to make wonderful memories and share experiences. Time to take in every perfect aspect of your personality.

I smile to myself and set down my phone.

The week goes by. We go for a walk, somehow ending up at a park. Jisoo convinces me to go down the slide with her. I have fun, laughing and running like I'm a little kid again. The next time I go down the slide Jisoo is standing at the bottom. She catches me with her hands on my waist.

I had almost forgotten how this felt. But I remember to stand up and wrap my own arms around Jisoo.

"Thank you," I say. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for loving me. Jisoo grins and pecks my cheek with a kiss.

"You're it." Then she darts away and I find myself playing tag.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now