Office Jensoo Part 1

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(Yes there will actually be a part 2 this time. I couldn't really think up a good title. Also sorry I haven't written in like a month)

(Jennie POV)

Jisoo and I walk down an empty street late at night. She reaches for my hand and I smile as our fingers link together.

"Your hands are cold," Jisoo says.

"Its winter, of course I'm cold," I say. Jisoo reaches for my other hand.

"Let's hurry home," she says.

"Okay." We walk faster down the street. Then we reach a small suburban house and unlock the front door. I step inside and take off my boots, waiting for Jisoo to catch up. She takes me by surprise by pushing me up against the wall.

"Jisoo unnie?" I say, confused. Jisoo just smiles warmly at me.

"Jennie," she says. Her face is so close to mine that I can plainly see her eyelashes and wide eyes. "Since we already live here together, why don't we get married?"

I wake up with a headache. I kick off my blankets and sit up. I suddenly remember my dream. Why did I dream about Jisoo? Its not like I like her or anything, I barely know her. Just then my alarm goes off. Time to get ready.

I manage to shove the dream out of my mind by the time I'm driving to work. Once I get there Lisa runs up to me with two coffees in her hands.

"I got one for you, Jennie!" she says.

"Thanks," I say, taking it. We walk over to the elevators.

"I have to go give the other coffee to Rosé," Lisa says. "I'll see you later!"

I wave goodbye to Lisa and then enter the elevator by myself. When the doors slide open I see Jisoo already inside. I consider running away but she's already noticed me by now.

"Hi, Kim Jennie!" she says waving.

"Hi," I say. I walk in and wait for the elevator to start moving. I can't help but notice how gorgeous Jisoo is looking today. I want to compliment her but then I remember my dream and I fail to make a sound.

"Do you want to go get lunch later?" Jisoo asks. "Unless you already have plans," she adds after seeing my frozen expression.

"Sure," I agree automatically. "That sounds great." Jisoo smiles back just as the doors open. She lets me exit first. I expect Jisoo to walk off but instead she starts following me.

"I'm sorry I haven't really gotten to know you yet," Jisoo says. 

"Its fine," I say. "I only started working here a month ago."

"Let's be friends then," Jisoo says. Just then someone walks up to Jisoo with a question and I excuse myself. Lisa is waiting for me by my desk area.

"Why were you talking with Jisoo, our boss?" Lisa asks.

"I don't know," I say. "What wrong with talking with Jisoo?"

"Nothing," Lisa shrugs. "It just surprised me a little. Haven't you heard? Jisoo broke up with her girlfriend a few weeks ago and she's barely talked to anyone since."

"Girlfriend?" I repeat. "Wait, is Jisoo gay?"

Lisa nods. "I got Rosé to tell me everything," she says. "Rosé and Jisoo went to school together."

"Oh." Another worker walks by and Lisa and I quickly pretend we were working.

A few hours later Jisoo and I head out together.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I know a place close by," Jisoo says. "We can just walk there. Or is there a certain place you had in mind?"

"No," I say quickly. "I just moved here so I don't know the area that well."

Jisoo looks excited. "Then we should eat again another day too. I can show you all the best places for lunch."


As we walk down the street I realize how cold it is outside, just like my dream. I really should have brought a jacket to work. 

"Are you cold?" Jisoo asks, noticing me rubbing my arms. 

"Its fine," I say. 

"Here." Jisoo slides off her long navy blue coat and passes it to me.

"Won't you be cold?" I ask.

"I still have a scarf on," Jisoo says. "I'll be fine." Only through Jisoo's persistence do I put on the coat. Its surprisingly soft and warm on the inside.

"Where did you get it?" I ask. Jisoo and I start talking about stores and clothing. The next hour flies by. I barely notice the food on my plate when talking with Jisoo. Too soon we have to go back to work.

"I can't thank you enough," I say. 

"If you want to thank me," Jisoo smiles, "come with me tomorrow." 

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now