Jensoo in Highschool Part 2

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(Jisoo POV)

I watch as Jennie hurries away from me, her face flushed. I wonder if she knows that I've been sending her notes in her locker. Maybe I should mention that I'm a girl in my notes. I just really want to know if Jennie likes girls or not. Then, if my heart was broken, at least I wouldn't have dreamed for too long.

With a sigh I adjust my backpack and head out of the Library. It's always been like this. A year ago I worked up the courage to tell one of my friends that I liked her. She said she was didn't feel the same way and the friendship fell apart. I'm hoping so freaking hard that that doesn't happen to me and Jennie.

Me and Jennie. What am I thinking? We barely know each other! But we used to.

Time passes quickly and it's the day of the school fair. It's simple. Just a few games, places to sign up for different clubs and activities, and some food trucks brought in by the school. My friends and I have a booth set up about the softball team. I don't play anymore but my friends still do and they said I could help.

I bounce on my tiptoes watching as people arrive.

"There’s so may people!" I say excitedly. "Let's do every game we can find."

"We have to stay here, Jisoo," one my friends say. They don't look quite as hyped about the fair as I am. "Why don't you go by yourself?"

Just then Kim Jennie walks up to the booth. She smiles when she sees me but she also looks a little shy.

"Jennie!" I say as I walk up to her. "What do you think?"

"Nice," Jennie says, her eyes scanning the booth and poster boards before returning to my face. "You're hair looks cute."

"Thanks," I say, touching one of my low pigtails. I wonder if she trying to flirt with me. I quickly throw the thought away. Stop it, Jisoo!

"Are you here alone?" I ask. I usually see Jennie around two girls with light hair.

"Yes," Jennie says. "Rosie is with her art club and Lisa ran off with some guy she has a crush on. I didn't feel like third-wheeling today so I came to find you."

"Oh. Do you want to walk around together?"

"Okay," Jennie answers. I try to read her expression. Why does it feel kinda awkward between us?

We have a lot of fun playing games and trying out the food. Jennie gets ketchup on her face and I wipe it away with my hand. She jerks her head to the side at my touch.

"Sorry," I say. Why did she react that way? Does she hate me?

The last game we try out is a simple ring toss. The prize is an adorable pink stuffed animal.

"I really want to win this, Jisoo," Jennie says, "but I'm all out of change. I should probably try to find my friends now."

"Wait." I hand her a five dollar bill. "Use mine."

Jennie seems hesitant but finally takes the money after I keep urging her. Watching her play, I start talking. I have to say this before she goes.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you, Jennie," I say.


"We used to be close."

"It happens," Jennie says. "It's not your fault. Besides, we can be friends now."

But I want to be more than friends, I think. I bite my lip to keep the words from escaping me. Jennie quickly looks away.

"Looks like I lost," Jennie says when she runs out of rings to throw. "Here, keep the change. It isn't worth it to try again."

Jennie walks away and her words keep replying in my mind. It isn't worth it.

No. My hand curls into a fist. I won't give up. Even if Jennie never feels the same way, I won't stop being there for her, I won't walk away. Because somehow, despite the pain, it is worth it.

I look at the money in my hand.

(Jennie POV)

I don't know what made me walk away so suddenly. I couldn't stop crushing on Jisoo and I just had to get away. Honestly, my emotions scare me. I've never been in a relationship before. What if my heart gets broken? How will my friends react if I start dating a girl? What if I get rejected?

I have a hard time falling asleep. In the morning I barely make it to school on time. I walk up with Lisa and Rosé as usual and open my locker. Inside it is a pink stuffed animal. The same one from the ring toss.

Jisoo. She's my admirer. She sent me a note folded into a heat. She likes me. No, she likes me back.

I run before I even realize that I'm running. I can hear Lisa calling my name, confused, but I don't look back. I find Jisoo and her friends by their lockers.

"Jisoo!" I say. She turns to look at me. Time seems to stop. How did I get here? Why did I call her name? What do I do now?

"I like you." I really do. Yes, Jisoo. I do like you. And I have for a long time.

Jisoo closes the space between us and strokes my hair with her gentle hand. "I'm so happy, Jennie," she says. "I can't explain it."

I can't explain it either, Jisoo. But it feels right. Just right. I lick my lips.

"I guess we have to get to class," I say.

"You're right," Jisoo says. "Will you meet me at the library?"

"Yes." Yes I will. I'll be wherever, whenever you need me. Promise.

"Jisoo," I say.


"Can you kiss me?"

The bell rings. Jisoo smiles. She doesn't answer my question with her words. She just kisses me. Just like I want her too.

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