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(Jisoo POV)

"Are you coming Jennie?" I ask for the second time. Jennie finally turns away from the window. The curtain gets stuck in her skirt and ruffles her soft hair. I sit at the table, the takeout bag in front of me, waiting patiently.

"Sorry, unnie, I guess I kinda zoned out," Jennie says. She walks over and sets across from me at the table. "Where are Rosé and Lisa?" She asks.

"Lisa left her hat behind at some shop so Rosé went to help her find it," I explain.

"They'll probably end up going to every shop in London," Jennie says after taking a bite.

"Probably," I agree. It's the second day of our week long trip to Europe. The four of us have been planning this trip for years ever since we all graduated high school. London is our first destination. We got one hotel room with two beds to save money. We drew lots to see who would be sleeping together tonight. Jennie and I were paired up.

"The food's really good," Jennie says. "So, unnie, what are we going to do tonight?" My heart flutters a little at her words. It's not usually just me and Jennie left alone together. For some reason I get all flustered and shy whenever Jennie and I are close. Now I'm feeling nervous about sharing a bed with her.

"Jisoo?" Jennie says. I realize I never responded.

"Oh, well there isn't anywhere I want to got and it's already pretty late," I say. "I usually go to bed earlier than midnight." Jennie laughs when she looks at the clock. It's already twelve thirty at night. We got a little carried away exploring the city today.

"Okay," Jennie says. "It's a good idea to go to sleep before the party animals get back."

I stand up and Jennie and I both throwaway our takeout plates and contaniors. I stuff Rosé and Lisa's meals in the mini fridge.

When I straighten up I see that Jennie has already thrown off her blue cardigan revealing a black undershirt underneath. My breath catches in my throat when I notice the curves of her hips and torso.

Jennie then starts digging around in her suitcase. I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After washing my face and teeth I take a moment to stare at myself in the mirror.

"Just act normal, Jisoo," I mutter to myself. "It's no big deal. You don't have a crush on Jennie. She's just your friend."

I change into comfy pajama shorts and a tank top and walk out of the bathroom. I wait on the bed for Jennie to finish in the bathroom. I plug up my phone to charge it by my bed and scroll through Instagram mindlessly.

"Hey." Jennie slides beside me and peeks at my phone. I turn in off and put in on the floor.

"Goodnight, Jennie," I say.

"Goodnight," Jennie says with a smile. "This feels kind of weird."

"Yeah," I say. "We're in a whole other country."

"That too," Jennie says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Nothing." Jennie goes under the covers and adjusts her pillow. "I love hotel beds," she says. "They're so soft."

I don't know what to say. Why can't she just go to sleep? I take a breath to control myself.

"Has Lisa or Rosé texted you?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah," Jennie says. "They just said that they got distracted and that they'll come back late."

"You know we have a plane to catch in the moring," I say. I'm not looking forward to having to wake them up early in the morning.

"They can sleep on the plane."

I sink further into my pillows during the following silence. Jennie looks like she wants to speak but keeps stopping herself.

"I guess I'll turn out the light," I say, "unless you wanted to say something."

"Does it look like I want to say something?" Jennie asks. She turns to look at me and I notice how her black hair contrasts with the white sheets.

"Yeah," I say.

"Oh, I guess I do want to ask you something. But I don't really think this is the right time." Jennie starts playing with the blankets under her chin.

"What is it, now I'm curious," I say.

"Jisoo, do you like me?"

The world stills as I process what she said. Do I like her? Of course I do! But...

"How did you know?" I ask shyly. I look away, unable to make eye contact.

"Rosie told me," Jenie says, "but also I just knew. It's actually really cute. You get really shy anytime I compliment you. And remember last month when we were running down the beach and I grabbed your hand? You were blushing and smiling at me."

"Oh," I say. "I guess it was more obvious than I realized. So, I guess, do you like me back?" I can't look her in the eye. I get so nervous that I bring the fluffy blanket up so that it covers half of my face. I hear Jennie laugh. Then I feel her moist lips as she kisses my forehead.

"I like you too, unnie," she says, "but I'm really tired now so let's just go to sleep."

"Okay," I say. And we do.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now