Maybe more than a friend

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(Jennie POV)

I sit at the rusty blue bench at the bus stop. The city is dark at night, a black sky overhead with flickering neon lights dotting the landscape. People and cars hurry past, there one moment and gone the next, with a swiftness that leaves me feeling slow.

As I wait for the bus to arrive I remember my classmate Jisoo from middle and high school. We sat near each other and we knew each other's names. We had many of the same friends. Although we were partnered together in labs and talked often we never really got close to each other. We never met up outside of school or made plans. I wonder if she even remembers me.

Now I'm here, wrapped up in a warm blanket as my freezing breath sends smoke into the air. Now I go to a college where everyone are strangers to me.

I always thought that someday I would meet that special someone in my life. Maybe I already met her.

Maybe it was you.

(Jisoo POV)

My legs feel exhausted as I trudge down the sidewalk and towards the bus stop. I'm lucky and the bus has already arrived when I reach it. I climb in and find a seat amongst the crowd. I take out my earbuds and turn on a calming song. I usually listen to more upbeat music but it's nighttime now and I need to clear my mind.

For some reason as I sit there, eyes closed, the music dancing in my mind, I picture a girl with a soft, gentle face and warm eyes. Kim Jennie. It's been a year since I lost saw here. I wonder what ever happened to her. She was so sweet. I really wish I had gotten to know her better.

The bus stop and jolts me awake from my memories. I pause the music because it was so calming it was putting me to sleep. I can't fall asleep and miss my stop.

People shuffle into the crowded bus. There are barely any seats left. A beautiful girl with long hair stands beside me.

"You can sit here," I tell her, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

"Oh, thanks," she says with a shy smile. "Somehow I didn't see it."

Staring at her face I recognize her. Jennie?

The girl sits beside me and keeps her hands folded carefully in her lap so our arms won't accidentally rub against each other.

"Are you Kim Jennie?" I ask.

"Yeah," Jennie says. "And you must be Kim Jisoo."

"You remember me?" I say.

"Of course I remember you." Jennie looks at me with sparkling eyes. "I saw you everyday at school. You were really smart and you got along well with everyone." Jennie looks down as if she said too much.

"And you were really popular with the guys, remember?" I say. "And you turned every one of them down when they asked you to go to the dance with them."

"Yeah." Jennie looks a little embarrassed. "That's because I had a hopeless crush on someone."

"Who was it?" I ask. "Wait, you don't have to tell me," I add.

"We'll it's too late now," Jennie says. "I never got the chance to tell her how I really felt."

Her. Jennie never told me anything about her sexuality and I never told her either. Only my really close friends and family know that I like girls.

"You might meet again someday," I say. "You never know."

Jennie just smiles at me sadly.

"Hey, can you give me your number?" I ask. "I'd like to catch up sometime."

"Okay." Jennie looks excited as she digs through her bag for her phone. We exchange numbers quickly because the bus is stopping again soon.

"Is this your stop?" Jennie asks.

"No, I'm the next one," I say.

"Oh," Jennie says. "Well, then I guess I'll see you later."

"See you later."

Jennie stands up and looses her balance a bit as the bus turns. Her hand brushes against mine as she falls slightly off balance and I catch her by grabbing her arm. My fingers tremble at the touch.

"Thanks," Jennie says. There's so much warmth in her eyes. How did I never notice that before? I guess I just never looked at her this closely, as a woman.

I watch as Jennie leaves the bus. I look down and see that her phone is still on her seat. She left it behind.

My body moves before my mind has enough time to react. I pick the phone and run out of the bus, jumping off just before the doors close.

I chase after her in the dark, my mind alive with the thrill. When was the last time I ran wild in the dark? When was the last time I didn't care how the wind tangled my hair, or how strange I might have seemed to the people around me?

I find Jennie in only a few moments.

"Jisoo?" She says confused.

"You left your phone," I say. I hold it up but then have to drop my arm and catch my breath.

"Wow, thanks so much. I can't believe I left that on the bus!" Jennie takes her phone and her fingers touch mine again for a millisecond.

"I'm sorry you had to get off at the wrong stop," Jennie says.

"It's okay. My home isn't that far. I can just go back to the bus stop."

"Why don’t you crash at my place for the night?" Jennie asks.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah, I know it sounds kind of weird but I have an extra bed in my apartment and there's plenty of room. Of course you don't have to," Jennie rambles on nervously.

"Thank you," I say. "That sounds nice."

It sounds more than nice. It sounds wonderful. A person from my past who was nothing more than a friend, all of sudden I think I might like her. Who knows what will happen. For now I'll just follow down the street to her apartment. And smile knowingly at the stars.

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