You and Me

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(Jisoo POV)

I know something is wrong the moment Jennie enters the apartment. Her eye makeup is smudged like she has been crying and her ponytail is falling down. Without a word I stand up and untie her hair with gentle hands.

"I didn't get the job," Jennie says. Her eyes fill with her tears. I hug her close to me and let her cry. In moments like this I wish I could kill every bit of sadness in her soul, free the world of every evil. But I'm powerless. The only thing I can do is comfort her.

"Jisoo, what are we going to do?" Jennie asks.

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "What about your book?"

"Jisoo," Jennie says. "That's not a book. Its just a bunch of scribbles on paper."

"I like it," I say. "And I love you."

"I know." Jennie pecks my face with a kiss. "But how are we going to pay the rent?"

"It's late," I say. "Let's go to bed. We can talk about this in the morning."

"Okay." Jennie takes my hand as I lead her to the bedroom. Jennie goes to the bathroom to wash her face and I change into a loose pajama set and pull back the blankets. When Jennie comes back there's a smile on her face. Her hair is pulled back with a pink headband and there's a bit of soap still on her cheek. I wipe it away with my sleeve.

"Thanks," Jennie says. "I must be more tired than I thought." She goes to the drawer to change her clothes and I sit down on my side of the bed. I watch her as she takes off her nice shirt and black jeans. Jennie is mine. She is beautiful. I love her.

Jennie reads my eyes and smiles back. "Goodnight, Jisoo," she says. I open the covers as she lays beside me and tuck them up to her chin. I turn out the light. Then I kiss her goodnight. 

Jennie holds my hair with her hand, pressing me harder against her mouth. Her lips taste sweet, familiar. I bury my head into her neck. My body lies on top of Jennie and I can feel every curve of her legs and torso.

"Jisoo, I'm tired," Jennie says. But she still strokes my back.

"Okay," I say. "Tomorrow night?"

"Jisoo," she laughs. I give her one last kiss and then slide back to my place. Jennie turns on her side. I can't help worrying. My anxious mind fills the silence. My job is enough to cover the rent but nothing else. What about food? I know Jennie can find somewhere else to work out but it could take a bit of time. Should we move into my parents house? I frown at the idea.

And then I think about Jennie's book. She wrote the novel in High School and has been perfecting it every since. One of my favorite nights is the night she let me read it. I got to see a bit of my girlfriend's heart in paper. 

I might be biased, but I think its one of the best books I've ever read. Every once in awhile I'll ask Jennie to send it to a publisher. She always laughs it off. 

(time jump)

Six months later Jennie is gone for the entire day. When I asked her this morning where she was going she just said it was a surprise. Jennie doesn't usually surprise me. I didn't realize how impatient I was until today.

I meet up with my friend Lisa to pass the time. When I walk home I hear someone calling my name behind me. I turn around. The late afternoon sun is shining behind her. Jennie runs after me, her hair flying. I've only seen her this happy when we moved in together.

Jennie wraps me into a tight hug. I hug her back. "Jennie, what is it?" I ask.

"They said yes," Jennie answers. "There are going to publish my book. Jisoo, you were right! You believed in me!"

"Of course I believe in you," I say. "I'm so happy for you. Jennie, you're amazing!"

I watch the autumn leaves fall on Jennie's shoulder and on the sidewalk. I watch her face light up with joy. In moments like these, Jennie, I want to capture your smile like a photograph in my mind and remember it forever. I want you to always be this happy.

"Jisoo," Jennie says. She doesn't say anything else. She doesn't need to. I take her hand in mine and we walk back.

You and me. Together.

Jensoo Oneshots (Jennie×Jisoo Blackpink)Where stories live. Discover now