One Kiss

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(Jennie POV)

One kiss, Jisoo. That's all I need. 

I remember last year when I confessed my feelings for you. You said nothing, nothing at all. I remember how you crossed your arms and looked down at your feet. I would give anything to know what you were thinking at that moment. What were you thinking, Jisoo? Was you heart beating as crazy as mine? Why won't you look at me?

You said that you would think about it. You would think about it and give me an answer. Jisoo, it's been a year know. Do I even have a reason to hope?

I readjust my position on the couch, crossing my legs. My friends Lisa and Chaeyoung are seated around as we watch the movie. Jisoo is sitting on the floor beside the couch because we ran out of room. I look away from her.

Everyone is oblivious to the way that I feel.

"That actor is so gorgeous," Lisa says dramatically as she reaches for more food. "Hey, we're out of snacks."

"I'll get some," I say, standing. I need a moment to clear my head. I walk into the kitchen and open the pantry. I grab a bag of chips and start walking back. 

"Toss it!" Lisa says, holding up her hands. Chaeyoung laughs. I throw the bag up into the air and Lisa falls backwards as her fingers curl around it. I walk back to the couch but stop when something taps my ankle. 

I look down and see Jisoo staring up at me. Her arms are hugging her knees and her black hair hands over her shoulders and down her back. 

"Sit beside me," Jisoo says.

"Okay," I say. I try to sound normal as I sit cross legged on the floor beside Jisoo. I make sure to keep a bit of space between us. Then I feel something on my leg. I look down to brush it off and realize that its Jisoo's hand. Her eyes are fixed on the screen as her palm rests on my leggings. I freeze.

 As much as I try I can't focus on the movie. If only Jisoo had come right out and said that she didn't like me then I could live in peace. But instead she just said maybe and forgot to ever properly answer. That's it, I tell myself. She forgot.

Halfway through the movie someone starts passing around drinks. I sip the cold beer without thought, joining in the girl's lively commentary of the movie. Jisoo doesn't drink anything and her hand moves away from my leg.

Jisoo. I smile, knowing I might be a little drunk. If I kiss her now I can just say I wasn't sober and it was an accident. But no, I shouldn't do that. 

I can't help it. I move closer to Jisoo. I watch closely for her reaction but she seems unfazed. Okay, Jisoo, I'll stop when you tell me to.

Laughing silently to myself, I sit behind Jisoo and wrap my arms around her waist. My chin sits on her shoulder. Her hair is so soft against my cheek. I close my eyes, enjoying myself. 

"Jennie," Jisoo says quietly.

"Yes, unnie?" I say.

"You haven't hugged me in a year," she says. 

I laugh softly. "You noticed?" I say. "I thought you didn't want me to hug you."

"I never said that," Jisoo sighs. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Do you like me?"

"Jennie," Jisoo says. Just then Lisa and Chaeyoung start squirming and covering each other's eyes when the main couple kiss on the tv. I smile and lift my hand. I push Jisoo's hair away from her back, revealing her pale neck.

"Jennie," Jisoo says again, quieter this time. She doesn't sound afraid. So I press my lips against the back of her neck. I can feel Jisoo tense slightly under my arms. I kiss her neck again. This time Jisoo lunges forward and falls out of my embrace.

Jisoo looks around but neither Lisa or Chaeyoung are watching us. Besides its night and we don't have any lights on its pretty dark.

I'm sorry Jisoo. I said that one kiss was all I needed. I didn't mean to kiss you twice. 

"I'm sorry," I say. I hang my head. "I won't do it again." 

"No, I'm sorry, Jennie," Jisoo says. "You confessed your feelings to me and I never answered. I was just too scared."

"What?" I look up at her. 

"I actually do like you," Jisoo says. She smiles nervously and her cheeks flush. I notice then that her ears are bright pink. "I just wasn't brave enough to tell you. I wasn't brave enough to be in a relationship with you. But this past  year I realized how much I missed you. I really missed when you would hug me or touch my hair. I've really missed you, Jennie."

Jisoo likes me. She likes me. She missed me.

Suddenly the lights are turned on the the tv screen goes blank. I guess the movie is over.

"Hey, we're you guys even watching it?" Lisa says when she sees me and Jisoo facing each other on the floor.

I stand up. "Yeah, we were until the very end. You'll have to tell us how it ended."

"Hey, I think Rosie is asleep," Jisoo says. We all stand over Chaeyoung who is asleep on the couch. Lisa gently pick up a blanket and drapes it over her.

"I guess we should go to bed," Lisa says. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I say back. My head is starting to hurt a little bit. I want to go to sleep but my desire for the girl standing next to me is almost overpowering.

"Jennie," Jisoo whispers once Lisa has left.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I say.

"Yeah," Jisoo says. "And I finally have an answer for you."

"Really?" I say. Jisoo takes my hand.

"I want to date you Jennie," Jisoo says. I like you too.

I like you too. I waited a year to hear this words. But somehow it was worth the wait.

I wrap Jisoo into a hug. We press our bodies together tightly. Jisoo's hands play with my hair while I rub her back and stroke her face. 

I close my eyes and whisper softly into Jisoo's ear. 

"Thank you."

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