Chapter 1

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"Ugh, not again." Waking up to his dog licking his face wasn't exactly how Frank had imagined the morning to begin but hey. And he had to admit it was less creepy than if it was another human being, that would be just disturbing and he reckoned he would consider calling a psychiatrist at the very least.

It wasn't like he minded human contact, not at all. Frank liked people, really, the problem was they didn't exactly fancy Frank. He haven't quite figured out why, yet. Chances were it was the tattoos that were covering his skin. Maybe it was the way he dressed; in ripped jeans and t-shirts with phrases that the society didn't aprove of, apparently. Could also be his hair and maybe, just maybe, even if it was practically unbelievable, it was the fact that he was probably just as straight as Ray Toro's hair.

Oh dear God, please don't let Ray know he compared his gorgeous afro to his sexuality. Or maybe God wasn't the one he should be praying to, considering his rather homosexual situation but whatever. Who else should he pray to, Beyoncé? Satan?

Fuck off.

Though, maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea. Satan might even like him. Maybe they could become friends and do things friends do together, like watch people burn in flames or something. What does Satan even do in his free time? Frank made a mental note to ask him about that later.

Not that he had any close friendship with him, you know. He just seems like an okay guy to Frank.

But anyway, besides waking up next to your dog, there is nothing good about mornings- wait, coffee! Coffee is great, okay we already have two things. Good.

With a lot of struggle Frank managed to get up from the bed, nearly tripping over the clothes sprawled all over the floor. Definitely not his fault it was there. Notice the sarcasm here.

"Are you fucking shitting me?!" The short man yelled and though it never helped before, he couldn't help but be angry at Sweet Pea for pissing on his fucking floor. Again, might he add.

"Great, just fucking great." He complained but somebody had to clean that mess up and until he hires a maid or someone, it would have to be him. Maybe Ray would be up for that if he ever quit his job.

Ugh, he quickly deleted the image of Ray wearing short stripy apron out of his mind and cleaned the little puddle. Because Pea couldn't have possibly waited until Frank woke up and took her out, could she?

After taking a piss and sending a glare in Sweet Pea's direction Frank stumbled into the kitchen in his half-sleepy state and got his black mug from the counter where he left it the night before or was it the afternoon? He didn't know. He switched on the kettle and poured some coffee powder into his mug while the water was heating up.

The barely-audible sound of pawns against the floor alerted him about Pea's presence and soon enough she was stood at his feet, looking up at him. He shook his head with a small smile and picked her up.

"Hey, baby. I'll make myself some coffee and then we'll go for a walk, that cool with you?" Now, it might seem a bit odd, 23-year-old guy talking to his dog, but don't you dare pretend you don't do it. They have a very special relationship so shut the fuck up.


"Let's go." Frank said, tugging on the red leash to hurry up the little devil. They stepped out into the chilly spring weather. Frank looked down at his attire and for a while he wondered whether he should've brought a jacket with him or not but then he shrugged it off and began walking. Sweet Pea practically dragged him behind all the way towards the park. That was if she wasn't so petite.

As they walked through the gate into the park Frank let her off the leash and stopped for a while. He pulled out a pack of smokes and his lighter. He put the cigarette between his lips and tried to light it. And again. And again. And again.

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