Chapter 14

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"Mikey, this is not a way to go, please drop it."

This wasn't the kind of night Ray had been expecting.

"We can talk this out, Mikey, drop it."

This definitely wasn't the kind of night Ray had been expecting.

"Leave me alone, I wanna do this!" Mikey yelled at the doctor, moving the scalpel closer to his wrist.

Needless to say, Ray was freaking out. And he totally had ever right to, it didn't happen every day that you're heading home and find your patient in their room with a scalpel in their hand. What did the hospital need a fucking scalpel for anyway? It was a mental hospital, they didn't cut into people there for fuck's sake. But that was exactly how he had found Mikey and thank god he went to check up on him.

But Ray still didn't know how to deal with this situation, a single wrong move and Mikey would be slitting his wrists open and bleeding on the floor.

"Mikey, let's calm down, okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked the boy. Mikey let out a choked sob and shook his head. Ray had his hands held up in the air ever since he had come to the room and his muscles were seriously starting to ache.

"Do you want to sit down? We can talk about it, alright?"

"No, I need to do this." Mikey was staring down at the sharp object so Ray risked taking a step closer, Mikey didn't notice. They were now at most a meter apart.

"I want to help you, I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong."

The boy looked up at Ray, unshed tears in his eyes and stains on his cheeks so Ray knew Mikey had been crying earlier. He felt sorry for the innocent boy, he had no idea what it was like living with such serious illness, he couldn't even imagine how Mikey must have been feeling.

Ray shot Mikey a tiny smile and extended his hand. Mikey glanced down at it, then back at Ray's face and slowly pulled the scalpel away from his wrist, placing it in the doctor's hand. Ray put the thing in his bag and his hand on the small of Mikey's back, leading him over to his bed. They sat down next to each other.

"Does this have anything to do with Pete and the fact he's getting out?" Ray asked.

Mikey shrugged. "How does everyone know about me and Pete? For the record, we're not dating, just friends, you know?"

Ray nodded to that. "I do know, but it's not like you're trying to hide anything. And not everyone noticed, I think it's just me and Frank and yeah, it's not exactly allowed, but you're a nice guy so I think we can make an exception this time." Ray smiled and Mikey's lip twitched a little but that was about it. "Just don't get caught by any other doctors, they might not be as benevolent as Frank and I."

"Frank's an asshole." Mikey said bluntly, making Ray laugh. "He's fucking crazy, how the hell did he get the job? Is he even a qualified nurse or did they hire him just out of pity?"

The doctor shook his head, smiling. "What do you have against him? He's not that bad."

Mikey groaned. "He's fucking my brother or something, I don't know, but he's completely head over heels for him, he came here the other day and told me about how they made out and then left, he wasn't even supposed to be working that day." Mikey was talking a lot, which was an odd occurrence and which didn't go unnoticed by Ray.

"Are you trying to change the subject so we don't talk about what happened?"

By the look on Mikey's face it was pretty obvious he was and Ray was having none of that.

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