Chapter 5

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Frank Iero was definitely not a morning person by any means. He despised mornings and what made them even more unbearable were fucking alarms. Just what the hell was wrong with them? It feels like you've just barely closed your eyes and they're going off to remind you that you have actually slept the whole damn night. That's some fucking witchcraft in Frank's opinion.

Anyway, this morning was no different and Frank was seriously considering throwing the cursed device out of the window. He didn't though, which was probably good for both, the alarm clock and Frank, because as his luck went, he would most possibly hit someone with it and then have to pay for a new one... and a lawyer. And it was a understatement that Frank didn't feel like doing neither of those aforementioned things so he just sucked it up, adding a little groan here and there and finally got up. (A/N Jfc, i love this sentence, but to defend myself, no puns intended.)

He made a beeline for the bathroom to take a piss, but he couldn't not notice the way his hair looked. It was sticking to different ways and only one word could describe it.

"Disaster. Fucking disaster." Frank mumbled to himself angrily as he tried to smooth it down with no success at all. He tried tugging on it, holding it down for a few seconds and even curling it around his finger, but nothing seemed to work. He let out a sigh and opened the little mirror cabinet above the sink, finding his hair straightener and plugging it in. He switched it on, relieved himself and then exited the bathroom.

He had to go back to his bedroom and put on a pair of clean boxers and jeans, not bothering to change his t-shirt as he went searching for Pea who was already sitting at the front door, expectantly waiting for Frank. He grinned at her grabbing her leash and trying to clip it on which was a bit difficult, seeing as Pea started jumping around excitedly. Frank finally managed to attach it to her collar and they walked out the door, he didn't even bother closing it behind them because he only went next door. He knocked twice on the wooden surface and waited.

Thirty seconds and a multiple Pea's attempts to run away later the door opened, revealing a small ginger boy. He was maybe ten or something, Frank assumed. He was wearing a Batman t-shirt and Frank had to fight the urge to pat him on the head and tell him how proud he was. Superman sucks, deal with it.

The boy's smile widened as he spotted Frank and Sweet Pea at his doorstep.

"Hi, Mr. Eye-air-oh." He grinned, showing the fairly new hole after his tooth, it had fallen out sometime last week. Frank found it cute and even more how the boy mispronounced his name, but only in his case, if any adult pronounced his name the wrong way, he would most likely fight them. "What's wrong with your head?"

"Hi, Jake, it's Eye-ear-oh, but doesn't matter, just call me Frank and I have no idea what's wrong with my head, my hair just went crazy and this is the result, I guess. Anyway, would you mind taking Pea for a walk before you leave and after you get back from school?" Frank already knew the answer would be 'yes', but he still used his good manners.

"Of course." Jake grinned, taking the leash from Frank.

"Okay, thank you. You know where the key is, right?" Frank had learned from his previous experience and kept his key in a hole in the door frame, it was old so there was a lot of holes in it. Jake nodded his head. "Fine, fine, I'm going. And don't you dare eat my Skittles this time or I'll tell your mom." Jake's eyes went wide at the mention of Frank ranting to his mom so the man quickly added, "You can have the M&Ms, though."

"Really? Thank you, Frank." Jake grinned and Frank nodded, walking towards his flat.

Back there, Frank headed for the bathroom where he had left the hair straightener. It didn't take as long as he had thought and in a short amount of time, his hair looked good once again, well, as good as it could, Frank really needed a haircut, like seriously. He was almost done when he accidentaly knocked over some bottles on the cabinet to his right, most of them falling to the floor.

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