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*4 months later*

It was already dark outside when a person dressed in a rather emo attire emerged from a coffee shop that has recently become some sort of a hiding place for him. It was raining so he pulled a hood over his head and not more than five seconds later, he collided with someone.

"Oh shit, sorry dude." He said and the guy, whom he basically attacked, just laughed it off and continued on his way.

The person in the dark attire barely lit his cigarette in the pouring rain and it was really starting to get on his nerves. Fucking weather. With the fag in his mouth, he huffed and continued down the street. As he walked, he would raise his head in certain intervals, look around and then bow his head down again. He checked the time and cursed, he was late for practice again.

"Fuck." Just then, he made a decision to take a short-cut around the gallery. And also, he had just heard a gun shot so he better get the fuck out of there.

He didn't take the path around the gallery too often so he was suprised to see there was a new exhibition going on. There were a few things that caught his eye. First, the opening was that day, it had started about an hour prior. Second, there was a lot of people outside, waiting to get in which almost never happened. And third, the poster outside, there was something odd about it. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was actually him on the poster. It was Frank. Or more accurately, it was a painting of him.

He read the name of the person who was exhibiting his art and Frank's heart nearly stopped. Of course he was more than happy to see the name, but it really has been a long time since he'd last spoken to Gerard Way.

"Oh my god." He grinned at the poster, most likely looking very funny and very psychotic but who cared, Frank certainly didn't because Gerard fucking made it. He was having an exhibition and loads of people were coming to see his art. And he had painted Frank and put it on the promotional poster.

And it was just too much for Frank and soon he caught himself trying to remember and getting flashbacks of the months he and Gerard had spent together and it honestly felt like ages ago. He recalled the fun they had and the sex that was more than divine and the days Frank spent in bed while Gerard painted or drew. But also the times before Gerard got sober and the day Frank left his apartment and also the last day they had seen each other. It must have been like three fucking months ago.

This really brought Frank down, he knew he had promised Gerard to keep in touch and they did for a while. But then it got more complicated to make time for each other and in the end they stopped talking entirely.

Frank's schedule had gotten so cramped – starting a band and all really takes up a lot of time and it had always been his dream to start a band. With Leathermouth, he felt like they could go places and they really have been getting more and more popular lately. But between going to work and going to practices, there really wasn't much time left to spend it with Gerard and they just fell apart. It had gotten a bit easier after about three months so Frank finally got some time for himself as well. But Gerard was no longer around for that.

Frank sighed and finished what was left of his cigarette. He looked into the gallery through its window, contemplating whether or not to go in.

"Come on, Frank, don't be a little bitch." He mumbled to himself and threw away the cigarette butt, heading towards the entrance. He texted his friend he'd be a bit late for practice and then walked in.

He pulled his hood down and looked around but Gerard was nowhere to be found. Well. Going with the flow, he just started looking at the paintings that adorned the walls. There actually wasn't much of Gerard's pieces, maybe around fifteen, but they were all so beautiful. He recognized some of them and the other ones he had never seen before but he loved every single one of them. But the last piece he stopped at nearly punched the breath out of him. It was the painting of him and in all honesty, from the poster outside he couldn't really tell how fucking big and detailed the painting was but as egoistical as it sounded, he fell in love with it. He must have been standing there for at least five minutes when somebody walked up to him and Frank just knew. He knew it was him. He was so close Frank could feel his body heat on his own back.

"What do you think?" Frank questioned. "Not exactly the worst of the artists I've seen, but he should pick some better models for his paintings, don't you agree?"

He heard the man behind him chuckle and then clear his throat, probably struggling with trying not to laugh.

"Oh, I totally agree, and the poor choice of colours, nothing special, nothing original... But yeah, I'm pretty much convinced it's the model's fault that the painting's not that good."

Frank then turned around slowly, not really succeeding at hiding his smile as he gazed up into Gerard's eyes. "Definitely. But I would still love to meet the artist, y'know, to tell him how bad his paintings are, face to face. He's probably just some stuck-up asshole, anyway." Gerard smirked at that.

"Well, in that case," he extended his hand for Frank, "nice to meet you, I'm Gerard Way, the stuck-up asshole." Frank shook his hand and couldn't stop grinning.

"Gerard, huh? Sounds French."

Gerard shrugged. "Yeah, I know a thing or two... mon ami." They both laughed and then Gerard added, "I don't think I caught your name, what is it again?"

Frank smirked and stepped closer to Gerard, lowering his voice. "Oh, I think you know." Their bodies were nearly touching and Frank could basically feel Gerard's hot breath on his lips. "I'm Frank, Frank Iero."


well, here it is, the finale of my final story *wipes off tears*. I think I could have made it more dramatic and like put some action in it, maybe have Bert appear and ruin the moment but then I was like 'meh, nah.' and honestly, i like the simplicity of it.

i don't think i'm very good at speeches or like saying goodbye so i'm not doing that.

but endings always make me wanna live through them as long as possible and they make me sad and this is a big one because i've spent years on this site writing fiction and most of the stories i'm emotionally attached to and they reflect how i felt in different stages of the time i've spent here, not saying that the characters reflect my own character but just that i've composed parts of my life into my stories and that makes them a part of me.. so, i don't know what's going to happen next, all that i'm sure of is that this is my last story on this site and that i won't be writing fan fiction anymore

but man! i'd like to pinpoint what i did with ending, like, a bit of insults, a bit of art, a bit of rediscovered feelings, i like it, hope you guys do too

if you had any questions about this story, you can just put them in the comments and i'll answer them

so long pumpkin pies!

take care

i love you all!

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