Chapter 22

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It was surprisingly crowded in the recreation room that day. Patients were arguing about who would get the T.V. remote.  Laughter could be heard from different parts of the room. However, it was a lot calmer than normally. It was a good day. At least for some people.

Mikey wasn't one of them. He hadn't entered the room in what felt like an eternity and therefore, what he was expecting was mayhem and shouting. Needless to say, he was disappointed, he lived for the mess that the patients made out of the room sometimes.

He wouldn't actually admit that, but he was jealous of them. Anywhere he looked, he saw two or more people interacting with each other. He was the only one who had no one to talk to. When Pete was still around, he didn't really realize but he had no other friends, and Frank couldn't be taken for one because he was an asshole and Mikey just couldn't stand him. But he was trying to get along with him, he really was.

Mikey wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there for, cross-legged on the couch, but his legs were starting to hurt so it must have been at least an hour. He took another look around the room and sighed quietly. If only he had more friends.

Maybe, just maybe, he could, perhaps, like, try to talk to someone. He scanned the crowd surrounding the television, seeing Steph, the girl Pete used to be friends with... kind of. She was taller than Pete and really pretty, long black hair and a fringe and all. Pretty.

As if sensing somebody was watching her, she suddenly turned around and spotted Mikey. The boy attempted a smile but she frowned and turned away. Well, so much for making friends. Fucking bitch.

Wait, maybe that was why nobody wanted to be friends with him, he was rude to everyone. Whatever, fuck them, he was getting out soon, anyway, Frank promised him.

But still, despite the fact his condition was getting better, he couldn't help but think about him sometimes. He used to be Mikey's best friend when he was younger, sometimes even a better one than Gerard. But the pills took him away from Mikey. Of course Mikey knew it was for the best, but at least he'd have somebody to talk to from time to time, not just the hospital staff.

Stupid fucking pills. They were only ruining everything for him, anyway. He should just stop taking them and-

"No." Mikey hissed out loud, making a few people turn to look at him. He shot them death-glares so they'd mind their own business again and hung his head down to stare at his hands in his lap.

He couldn't stop taking the pills again. Not after last time, he nearly fucking died. He shook his head to get rid off those thoughts and stared at the entrance of the room for a while. He made up a new game; guessing who would be the next person to enter the room. It was a stupid game but he was bored and it was fun for a while. Then he thought, what if he suddenly came in and took me away? Then we'd find Pete and be three best friends forever, that'd be so fucking sick.

But then he saw a shadow in the hallway, approaching the room. Fuck, the shadow seriously resembled him, all tall and evil looking. Mikey straightened up in his seat, gaping at the entrance, the shadow was coming closer. Oh God, oh God, oh God... He gasped and then -

"Alright guys, time for dinner." Oh. It was just a doctor. Well, at least the evil part Mikey got right. Mikey didn't know the guy personally but he seemed bad. He shot a death-glare at his back as he passed the doctor by and continued to the cafeteria.

He wasn't really paying attention to what was happening around him, he didn't even look at what he got for dinner that evening, he was still thinking about him and evil people.

(Mis)fortune (Frerard, Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now