Chapter 13

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It started around the age of fifteen.

Or at least, that's what he had told his family. That's what had been probably written into his file and what everyone thought. But he knew the truth and that was, he's already been having them for a year before anyone noticed.

A whole year full of hallucinations and bewildered thinking. But he didn't feel weird or like a psycho or anything like that. He was just different.

"You're fucking nuts..."

He wasn't, really. Why would he? For his vivid imagination? Colorfull mind? Not-so-real friends?

"You're fucking nuts!"

Why would anyone say this to him? He was just a normal kid, he had normal friends, not only his imaginary ones. He had had a girlfriend before. He had a normal family, his parents were still together after years of being married and all. He was just an ordinary kid.

"You're fucking nuts! And I'm telling them."

And that he did. He stormed right out of the room and rushed down the stairs at an incredibly fast pace. The younger boy could only confusedly stare at the doorframe where the other person had been stood only five seconds prior.

"You're fucking nuts! And I'm telling them." Gerard exclaimed.

The boy could hear loud voices coming from downstairs but he was too focused on the fourth voice. The one that was much closer than the others. It was so close Mikey could imagine the feeling of their breath on his skin. The soothing words like music to his ears. The sounds from his family had drowned in the soft voice, they were unimportant at the time. All that mattered was...

All that mattered was him.

And Mikey listened to him, not even noticing his family had appeared in the room from where he sat on floor. He continued talking to him about things that were relevant.

Almost three years later, not much has changed. Mikey was sat on the floor again, this time a colder one. He still couldn't be bothered to care about his surroundings. Partially because when he did look around, he only saw blurry images of things he only knew what they were because he had gotten used to their appearances over the time of three years.

He was crying. That much was understandable. He was sobbing and gasping for air. Remember when you were a kid, trying to learn how to swim? When you thought you could already manage on your own and swim across the pool? But then suddenly you started to panic because, shit, you were swimming and there was no ground underneath your feet, just water, it seemed like an endless journey all the way to the bottom of the swimming pool. You began waving your hands around yourself and the water got into your throat and it felt like you were seriously drowning.

That was exactly how Mikey felt, sitting on the ground, with the tears and sobs escaping his body. When you were a kid, your parents would just help you, pat you on the head and say you did well. But in Mikey's case, no one like that was there for him. Of course he wasn't drowning, but he still needed someone who would just pat him on the head and tell him everything would be okay.

Where was everyone when he needed them? Where were his parents? Pete? His brother? The nurses and doctors? Hell, where the fuck was Frank?

(Mis)fortune (Frerard, Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now