Chapter 10

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"I kissed a boy and I liked it..."

It was a very weird day at the hospital.

"...the taste of his cherry chapstick..."

A very, very weird day.

"I kissed a boy just to try it, I hope his ex don't mind it."

And Frank was the cause of all the weirdness in the air. Gerard didn't even own a cherry chapstick, he was fonder of strawberries.

Frank didn't give a damn, though, he was happy and nobody was gonna ruin that for him. Not even Mikey who was staring at Frank like the nurse had killed his whole family.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The boy asked, putting on his glasses because, god damn it, if he was gonna deal with this- whatever this was- he needed to fucking see, at the very least.

Frank spun on his heal a couple times, grinning the whole time.

"Why should there be anything wrong with me?" Frank stopped spinning and smiled at Mikey.

"Well, maybe because it's Monday?" Mikey suggested. He was so confused with the nurse he didn't even think of making fun of Frank's new haircut.


"Frank, you don't work on Mondays." The boy pointed out and Frank just started laughing.

"I'm happy, Mikey, I'm so damn happy, aren't you happy? You should be happy, Mikey." And Mikey reckoned Frank was either high, drunk or just a fucking idiot. Probably the latter because...

"If you haven't noticed, I'm in a fucking hospital and have been here for years, what do you think I should be happy about, Franklin?"

He shouldn't have said that. And damn Frank and his stupid mouth for letting the name leave his lips.


It was times like these when Mikey wished he could do anything he wanted and not be responsible for it, because he wished he could punch Frank at the moment so much. He would have done it too, but Frank was right and Mikey was blushing so hard his cheeks resembled the color of a tomato.

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at home or doing whatever? I swear to God, I see you more often than my damn doctors." Mikey shook his head and shifted a little bit further to the corner of his bed, leaning his back against the wall. He loved the coldness it sent through his body.

Frank laughed and set next to Mikey on the bed. "I know, right? I spend so much time with you I'm starting to take you as my own brother," Frank noticed Mikey shudder at the word but decided to ignore it, "I mean, you hate me, but I feel like you need a little bit of Frank in your life. You feel it too, don't you?"


"You do, just like I need a little bit of Mikey in mine. We're friends, Mikey, admit it, you love me." Frank grinned and Mikey flipped him off. Which- to Frank- seemed like a perfect moment to ruffle up Mikey's hair. He was so damn happy that day.

"Whatever, just tell me why you're acting like this." Mikey smoothed down his hair again and looked at the nurse. Frank was grinning again and Mikey groaned.

"Didn't you get that from my amazing remake of a song?"

Mikey searched through his mind, trying to remember just what the hell had been the idiot singing when he danced- literally- into the room and ruined Mikey's morning and probably the rest of the day too. Mikey was sure every time he would remember Frank's horrific dance, he would just feel the urge to scratch his eyes out, because, yes, it was that bad.

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