Chapter 8

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When Frank walked into the living room the next morning he, okay, kind of was expecting to see someone sitting there, because afterall it was 11 a.m., but maybe, even though he was still annoyed Gerard hadn't told him about Bert, he was still hoping to see the artist sat there, not Bert. Bert and his stupid long messy hair and his stupid smile when he had spotted Frank and his stupid boxers and t-shirt which he looked stupidly good in.

"Good morning, Frank, sleep well?" Bert smiled. Frank mentally cringed, not at the smile, but at the memory of last night's events and then forced himself to nod.

"Yeah, it was okay." He shrugged and then changed the subject because he had made a deal with himself to never think about the night ever again and hopefully forget he had ever heard a single moan leave Bert's mouth. "So, I was gonna make a coffee, you want some?" He offered and watched Bert shake his head.

"I don't drink coffee, but thanks. Gee will probably love to have some when he wakes up, though." Bert told him, but Frank just stared at the man with wide eyes and opened mouth. Bert looked nervous under Frank's gaze and scratched the back of his head.

"What?" He asked.

"Dude, how can you not drink coffee?!" Frank exclaimed, most possibly waking Gerard up in the process, but how can one not drink coffee? Where was the world going with this kind of attitude?

"Don't know, I guess I don't really like the taste of it?"

Frank just shook his head and walked away without another word. He stepped into the kitchen and began preparing the beverages for himself and Gerard. At one moment, he caught Bert staring at him and shook his head at the man in the living room again, almost cracking a smile, knowing he was being ridiculous. Bert laughed and went back to watching whatever was on TV.

When Gerard finally woke up, his coffee was thankfuly still warm and Frank was sitting on the couch next to Bert because, okay maybe he was pissed at both of the guys in the apartment, but Bert was an alright company. Frank would give him that.

"Hey babe, Frank made coffee." Frank rolled his eyes at the pet name and took a sip of his own drink to avoid saying something he would later regret, yeah, Frank was kind of a professional at saying inappropriate things in even more inappropriate situations.

"What?" Gerard looked around confusedly, yawning in a way Frank thought was so cute it would put all the puppies in the world to shame.

"Oh, thanks Frankie." Gerard smiled, leaning over the pass-through to get to his mug. Frank just mumbled in response, still thinking about Gerard's cuteness and puppies. The redhead looked at him as if saying 'what the fuck are you doing' and Frank ignored it, looking anywhere else but the artist.

He suddenly stood up and announced he was going to walk Pea before he hurried into his room, leaving the two men rather confused and questioning Frank's sanity.


Gerard was angry and lonely and crying. He didn't want to be any of that, he just wanted to crawl into a hole and die in there. He didn't want to face anyone ever again, he just wanted to disappear.

Not to say it wasn't a first time he was like this and one would say he was even used to this feeling, but he wasn't, no, because Bert fucking McCracken could always find a new way to make Gerard cry.

Bert left an hour ago, they had fought again, this time it was because of Gerard's working hours; Bert was complaining about how he had to wait the whole day just for Gerard to say he was too tired to do anything and fall asleep. The night before Gerard felt bad for making Bert wait a whole week since they did anything sexual together so he gave him a blowjob during which he nearly passed out.

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