Chapter 20

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Clenched stomach. Check.

Sweaty hands. Check.

Rapid beating of the heart. Check.

Those were all the symptoms Gerard found himself with as he stood in front of the entrance of the hospital. He was also shaking and basically on the verge of having a nervous breakdown but hey, let's go visit Mikey so he can fucking kill me, he thought.

Okay, he was pretty sure his brother wouldn't actually kill him but you never knew. Although, there was probably no probable scenario Gerard wasn't prepared for because in the matter of the last few days, he went through all of the possibilities of what would happen when Mikey saw him at least a hundred times. So you could say he was pretty much ready to face his brother after all those years. Not.

Suddenly, a tattooed hand appeared on his shoulder and Frank pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Don't worry, it's all gonna be fine." He assured the red haired man.

Gerard deadpanned. "I'm totally calm." He said in a shaky voice.

"Clearly." Frank said cheekily, grinning at the older man. To avoid any further disagreement, he laced their fingers and led Gerard towards the front door and inside the building. He watched Frank greet the lady at the front desk as he trailed behind the nurse. Frank led him through different halls and doors until they reached the changing room which was also some sort of hang-out place for the employees.

Gerard sat on the couch, looking around the room as Frank changed into his work clothes. He noticed Frank kept his black long-sleeved t-shirt on and pulled his white work one over it, and honestly, he looked fucking hot.

"Where is your short dress and stockings?" Gerard teased, giggling softly.

"Who do you think I am, Elle Driver?" Frank asked, tugging off his jeans.

"Mm, the eyepatch would definitely suit you, babe." Gerard grinned at him and got up, walking over to the man who had gotten changed entirely into his work clothes by then. He stood behind him, planting a kiss on Frank's scorpio tattoo. "Besides," he whispered, "You're much hotter than her." Another kiss, this time on the shell of Frank's ear.

"You're just saying that 'cause you're gay." Frank giggled, closing his locker and turning around to face Gerard who had an amused smile on his lips.

"I'm also a man and an artist, I can still appreciate women, despite the fact that I'm gay. And another fact, Frank Iero is hotter than Elle Driver." He nuzzled his face into the crook of Frank's neck, placing a hand on Frank's shoulder to hold him in place and then started licking and sucking and biting. "You're also real fucking pretty." Gerard whispered, his hand travelling south and Frank was kinda of glad somebody entered the room otherwise the nurse would be walking around with an erection in his pants. As if his looks didn't get enough attention and frowns from his co-workers as it was, this would get him fired and possibly locked up in a second.

"Frankie- oh, hello." Fortunately, it was only Ray. Gerard pulled away to look who had interrupted them and saw Frank's friend with afro, he recognized him from the club.

"Ray, oh my god, thank you for saving me, I'm pretty sure if you were to come a couple seconds later, you'd see this motherfucker going down on me." Frank shook his head with a laugh, poking Gerard in the arm. "This is Gerard, by the way." Gerard waved and smiled.

(Mis)fortune (Frerard, Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now