Chapter 16

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They didn't actually talk that day. Of course they didn't, why would they let that happen? What if something horrible happened if they did? What if the Earth exploded? What if a natural disaster came? Or worse - what if it actually solved any problems?


Frank was of course aware of it - even though Gerard was hoping their Sunday conversation had been long forgotten - and tried to remind it to the artist almost everyday. However, on Sunday, Gerard claimed he had to work on one of his older paintings and honestly, who was Frank to keep him from doing what he loved?

So he let it go for the day. On Monday, Gerard slept the whole day after staying up all night and painting, he was out for so long, Frank eventually got tired of waiting and fell asleep himself.

He had work the next day and only saw the Gerard for mere five minutes before he left for the hospital. Wednesday was a familiar case, when Frank woke up, Gerard was gone and when he came back - he had been to the shop to get some food - Frank was heading for work again.

It was Thursday and Frank woke up in Gerard's bed which wasn't rare, it was slowly becoming Frank's bed as well. As his eyes fluttered open, he was met with a black wall staring right back at him and barely any light in the room. He reckoned it must have been really early in the morning. He felt something wet and soft on the nape of his neck and he couldn't help the grin spreading on his lips. Gerard was placing kisses on his skin while rubbing circles into his shoulder. Frank could get used to waking up like this every day.

He groaned softly at how good it all felt and Gerard stopped kissing his neck to giggle.

"Good morning, Frankie." He whispered into Frank's ear. The dark-haired man rolled over and smiled up at Gerard.

"Hey, how come you're up so early?" He asked, eyeing Gerard's porcelain-white face and to his surprise, the artist seemed genuinely happy.

Gerard shrugged, moving closer to Frank which the latter certainly wasn't complaining about. Frank felt something else move as Gerard did, he looked at the other end of their shared bed to see Sweet Pea shifting in her sleep. He smiled at her and then turned his gaze back to Gerard.

The redhead sighed softly, meeting Frank's eyes with his own. Frank could tell there was something on Gerard's mind so he remained silent as the artist recollected his thoughts. Gerard bit his lip, shifting his body even closer to Frank's so there was hardly any space left between them. He rested his forehead against Frank's tattooed chest, his arm wrapping around Frank's waist. And Frank was kind of confused as to what was happening, but he tried his best to hide his confusion and placed a hand between Gerard's shoulder blades, softly rubbing up and down Gerard's cold skin.

He had noticed this before, Gerard being cold most of the time. He found it quite interesting, more so when on the other hand, Frank seemed to be some sort of a radiator. Frank also wondered if Gerard liked cuddling with him and touching him just because he was warm all the time. He would actually be okay with it if that was the case - he liked the feeling of being wanted.

Gerard breathed in some air through his nose, letting it out a seconds later, tickling Frank's skin. "It's my birthday today." Gerard suddenly announced and Frank's heart just about stopped right then and there. He hadn't thought about Gerard's birthday before, maybe because he had never reckoned he would stay at Gerard's long enough to develop some kind of relationship - or whatever this was - with him and therefore he never bothered to learn what his age was, he just kind of guessed the artist was older than him.

(Mis)fortune (Frerard, Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now