Chapter 7

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It was a day like any other. Just a normal Wednesday afternoon; the sun was high, the sky was clear and a beautiful shade of blue, void of any clouds. He was just getting back from his lunch break which was awesome as well. Ray was enjoying this afternoon walk to his job, he really was... until a certain idiot decided to ruin it for him.

"Hey, Raymond, guess what!"

Ray let out a sigh. "What?" He asked, a bit annoyed with his best friend. "And don't call me Raymond, bitch."

Frank held up his hands in defence as he caught up with Ray, walking with him towards the hospital. "Jeez, calm down. If I knew you would be so bitter I-"

"Just tell me what it was you wanted to say." Ray cut him off because, seriously, he wasn't in the best of moods, at least not anymore.

"No, you clearly don't want to hear it so..."

Ray let out yet another sigh, shaking his head a little. He might have been acting like an asshole, but he still wanted to know what Frank had to say.

"I'm sorry, okay? Will you please tell me now?" The taller man looked at his friend who was smirking like the bitch he was.

"Well, if you insist, Ray, darling." Ray rolled his eyes, but Frank didn't seem to notice as he continued. "Okay, so my flat caught fire an-"


"Calm down, it's not that bad, but yeah, it was my fault and stuff, thankfully Pea's fine. Can't say that about my bathroom and living room. Anyway," he stopped to open the door for Ray who stepped inside and Frank followed him, "I met this fireman who said I better spend the night somewhere else so I went to Gerard's," Ray scoffed at that, making Frank send him a death glare.

"Sorry." Ray muttered.

"So, as I was saying, I went to Gerard's and spent the night, we watched a movie and I might have tried to seduce him with ice cream and a spoon. How was your evening?"

Ray laughed a little at Frank's randomness. "Certainly not as eventful as yours, that's for sure."

Frank nodded and the both of them walked into the staff room. "Yeah, I have no idea what to do now, though. Everything I had done since yesterday was watch movies and sleep. I had no time to think about the whole situation. All I know is I'm fucked." Frank let out a frustrated sigh, flopping down on the couch. He had a little time before his shift started.

Ray didn't like seeing his best friend in such state, he sat down next to him and wrapped one arm around his shoulders. The shorter man barely reacted to the gesture, he just hung his head even lower, his way-too-long hair falling into his eyes, making him look like some sort of an emo teenager, which he often acted like so yeah, not far away from the truth.

"Hey," Ray told him, "it's gonna be fine, okay? You'll figure it out, I'm sure." He smiled, though Frank still hadn't looked at him.

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled, risking a glance at the afro owner. "Thanks, man, you're my favorite best friend."

Ray raised his eyebrows. "What? I'm your only best friend." Frank laughed and smirked, getting up from his seat.

"You wish." He winked before approaching his locker and opening the door.

"Who is it? Huh, Iero, is it Gerard? Am I not good enough? Who's your other best friend? Tell me." Frank laughed again, harder than before.

"I don't know, darling, me and Mikey have been spending a lot of time together lately, we're really good friends, you know? He's really-"

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