Chapter 15

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The flat was quiet as never.

Everyone appeared to be asleep, including Sweet Pea who was curled into a small ball on the other side of the couch to Frank and Gerard's heads. She sighed in her sleep and then stiffened as if sensing something no one else could, because everyone else was still in dreamland. Sweet Pea, not so much anymore.

She raised her head, staring at a certain point in the living room, not really moving. She knew there was a reason behind her abrupt awakening.

And then it came.

The knock on the door. She jumped down from the couch and sprinted towards the source of the disturbing noise, stopping in front of the huge wooden boundary - the door. She stared up at her enemy, impatiently waving her tail.

The knock came again, this time louder.

Sweet Pea shoved her neb under the door, huffing and trying to figure out how to get behind the barricade. She wasn't really figuring it out, she was a dog afterall, but you get the idea.

She waited for another sound, but none came. With that, she made her way back to the couch, jumping on the leather surface and curling into her former position. She made herself comfortable, satisfied with her security skills.

But then the stupid people had to piss on her parade and unlock the door. She started barking at the foreigners and jumping around as a madman - well, mad dog to be precise.

The abudance of sounds in the flat woke Frank up and he was far more than confused. Maybe it was the sleep still taking its toll, but he was sure he had just heard a voice that certainly didn't belong to the sleeping man next to him.

"Shit, shit, shit." He cursed. There were strangers in the flat and he didn't know what to do. What if they were murderers or muggers, or worse - Bert. "Gee - fuck, wake up." He shook the older man's frame and - thank god - woke him up.

"What?" Gerard opened his tired, bruise-lined eyes.

"I think there are strangers in the hall." Frank whispered

Gerard looked scared for a little while because come on, there were foreign people in his flat for no rational reason, but then he listened to them and became terrified.

"Shit." He managed to mumble under his breath before the not-so-strangers-to-Gerard walked into the room. Frank noticed there was two of them and instantly knew this was the end of him because despite his cheekiness he was weak as fuck and Gerard wasn't Rambo himself either so there was no way they could fight two people.

"Gerard, we knocked, but you wouldn't answer the door so we just used - who is this gentleman?" The man asked Frank who really had no idea as to what the fuck was going on.

"Uhm - I..." He looked at Gerard for an answer, but the man only groaned and shook his head.

"This is Frank, Frank, meet my parents."

And Frank might have as well just died in that moment. He wasn't sure if he was more embarrassed by the fact Gerard's parents walked in on them sleeping basically naked on the couch, or the fact they were basically naked on the couch.

"Oh - I, hi." Frank waved at the both of them, pulling his and Gerard's shared blanket higher up their bodies. He then shut up and scratched his scalp, praying to god Gerard would do all the talking because Frank seriously hadn't prepared to meet the artist's parents just yet... or ever for that matter.

Fortunately, Gerard had the same thoughts. "What are you doing here?" He asked the couple who were still stood in the middle of his living room.

It was his mom who spoke up then, but not before raising her eyebrow questioningly. "What, so now we can't even visit our son, are you hearing this, Donald? Unbelievable." She shook her head dramatically. At least Frank knew where Gerard's personality was coming from.

(Mis)fortune (Frerard, Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now