Chapter 11

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Ryan Ross was fucking done.

After a long-ass day at work, he just wanted to come home, curl up on the couch with his boyfriend and maybe pass out while some chick flick played on the TV. That was all he would have pleased. But no, the odds just weren't in his freaking favor.

Of course they weren't. And Ryan was positive he won't be getting his calm evening at all the second he heard Ramones blasting from down the hall. Just where the flat he shared with Brendon was.

The exhausted man let out a very frustrated and very dramatic sigh, and hoped he wouldn't be meeting any of his neighbours on the way to his apartment and have to explain it's his stupid idiot of a boyfriend. Again, might me add.

As he got closer, he could also hear voices, as in more than one, and wondered just who the hell did Brendon talk into hanging out with him this time.

Ryan unlocked the door and was hit in the face with loud music and awkward dancing moves. There was a speaker on top of a coffee table, connected to a turntable nearby which had a record spinning on it.

And as for the dancers and singers that accompanied it...

Up on the roof
Out on the street

Brendon jumped on the couch as he sang passionately with the song.

Down in the playground
The hot concrete

Of course it was Gerard who was with Brendon. Though the redhead was stood on the ground, unlike the boyfriend, and was shaking his ass as his hands ran down his chest and stomach.

Bus ride is too slow
They blast out the disco on the radio

And why the hell were they only in the underwear?

"Ryan, baby, take off your clothes and join the party!" Brendon shouted over the music when he noticed his boyfriend stood in the hallway, staring at the scene before him with wide eyes.

Ryan, however, decided to be a fucking killjoy and turn down the music which resulted in loud complains and pouts on both of the almost-naked men's faces.

"What the hell, guys? Aren't you a little old for stuff like this?" The reasonable one out of the three of them asked.

But the two strippers just looked at each other and started giggling like literal six-years-olds. Ryan rolled his eyes at them and went to sit on the couch, hoping it was clean. Who knew what the two had been up to while Ryan was gone.

"Babe, you literally did the same just about a month ago, except for the underwear, but what did you expect? We're fucking strippers, we get naked for a living." Brendon explained and Gerard started gigling once again and Ryan maybe began wondering if their red-haired friend was drunk again or what.

"Whatever just come here and cuddle me, I'm so fucking tired." The older man made grabby hands at Brendon.

"Aw, you're too cute." Brendon grinned, sitting next to his boyfriend and pulling him into his chest.

But then their moment got ruined by the one and only, Gerard Way.

"I'm gonna throw up." 

Because Gee could hold his alcohol pretty well, it had only happened once when he had gotten drunk at a high school party and then threw up in the kitchen sink, but since then, nothing.

He couldn't say the same about five packets of gummy bears, though. Just before him and Brendon decided to have a Ramones dance-party, they had made a bet who could eat more of the colorful nightmares. Gerard won after Brendon proclaimed he couldn't take anymore. But from the looks of it, Gerard wasn't exactly proud of his victory anymore.

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