Chapter 18

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One thing Frank Iero was 100% certain about was that the time he had woken up at was not a reasonable time to be awake at. He could just tell it was still dark outside and shit. He groaned and mumbled something even he himself couldn't understand. But then he realised he was just about the only person in the room that could hear him because Gerard had apparently fucked off somewhere else. Maybe that was what woke Frank up? Gerard getting up to, who knew, use the bathroom? Get a glass of water? Kill a person? Who gave a shit? Frank didn't and certainly not at 2:21 fucking a.m. He put his phone down before the light burned his eyes out.

He waited for Gerard to get back, nearly falling back asleep but he just wasn't coming back. Frank checked the time again. It was twenty minutes since he had woken up. Even if Gerard was taking a shit it wouldn't take so long.

Frank groaned again, just to show how much this was bothering him, waking up so damn early. He was gonna find Gerard and get the fuck back to bed, that was a promise.

He pulled on his boxers, or maybe Gerard's, who knew, it was dark and all and he couldn't give two shits about whose damn underwear he was putting on. He found Sweet Pea standing at the door and picked her up in his arms, rubbing her back before he reached for the handle and opened the door. The hallway was dark but he could see a dim light at the very end, coming from the living room. If he'd been in his right state of mind, he would have never gone there because this was the shit you'd see in horror movies but he was exhausted and not thinking so he just started towards the light.

"Gerard?" He asked and walked into the living room. And no, he really hadn't been expecting what he walked in on. The TV was on, playing some rather stupid show as it seemed, but at two o'clock in the morning, everything seems stupid. To add to the mystery that was the mess in the living room, the couch wasn't in its place but moved a couple feet backwards and flipped over, bottles of alcohol all over the floor, some full, some empty, some shattered, some spilled, and to top it off, Gerard was sitting in the middle of the chaos with his knees pulled into his chest and his whole body was shaking as he cried. He didn't even react as Frank called out his name.

"Shit." Frank shook his head, suddenly wide awake and not wanting to believe his eyes. He walked out into the hallway and opened the door to his former room, letting Sweet Pea in and closing the door behind him as he left her there so she wouldn't get hurt by the sherds and whatever else could be dangerous to her. He then tried to be as careful as he could and walked over to the shaking man on the floor.

"Gerard, can you hear me?" Frank asked and Gerard started crying harder, looking up at Frank.

"It's my fault, Frankie, it's all my fault." Frank pulled him into his chest and tried to help him stand up, but he wouldn't budge. He chose to just hold him until he calmed down a little.

"Nothing's your fault, baby, what are you talking about?"

Gerard sobbed against him just like the day before, only this time he was fucking wasted to top it all off. "It's my fault. I just wanna die, Frankie, I wanna die." Frank gasped and pulled Gerard away from him, looking him into his watery eyes.

Frank had kind of assumed there was a reason behind all this drinking and reckless behaviour of Gerard's that currently seemed to be like a part of Frank's life just as much as it was Gerard's. Yet still, Frank hoped what the man in front of him was slurring, was just that, drunken slurs that made no sense and weren't Gerard's actual voiced thoughts. But, of course, everybody knows that your're most likely to tell the truth when you're under the influence of alcohol, not make shit up.

"Don't fucking say that, Gerard." Frank warned him and Gerard went quiet for a while, only sobbing occasionaly. "Don't you ever fucking say that again, understand? I don't want you thinking about that crap, you're not dying any time soon, got that?" Frank was freaking out, he really fucking was. He had seen Gerard drunk but this was a completely different chapter, he was getting fucking suicidal and that was not something Frank could imagine, Gerard killing or hurting himself. It brought tears into his own eyes as he thought about it.

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