Chapter 4

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Needless to say there was a shitload of stuff running through Frank's head as he watched Gerard on the stage, yet he was unable to utter any of it out loud. He was shocked and amazed and maybe even a little horny.

Because one thing was for sure, Gerard was definitely fucking good at what he did. And he was fucking gorgeous in those stockings and panties and that was really not helping the erection in Frank's pants.

Gerard did notice Frank as well. He even sent him a wink which almost made Frank collapse on the spot, he didn't though, which, let's face it, was good for both sides. Because if Frank did collapse, people would probably call the ambulance, Gerard's show would be cancelled and he would never talk to Frank ever again.

"What had gotten into you? Do you know the guy or what?" Ray had been watching his best friend for quite a while now to realise that something was off with him. Yeah, Ray was attentive like that.

"Uh, what?" Frank, of course, wasn't paying any damn attention to what Ray was saying because he was too busy eye-fucking Gerard. Speaking of the stripper, he was now very slowly and very seductively moving his hand down his torso, getting incredibly close to his crotch.

"I asked if you knew the guy or something. You keep staring at him." Ray noted. He was getting very offended by Frank's behavior, too, because the short bastard hadn't even glanced at his best friend as he spoke, he was still hypnotised by the red-haired weirdo on the stage.

"Oh, yeah," Frank confirmed, "yeah, we're- oh shit!"

Ray's head shot up to look what's happening and why Frank yelled like that. He was not really surprised by what he saw, after going to gay clubs as often as Ray did, you get used to that stuff.

Frank, though, he didn't know what to expect because he really didn't go to clubs that frequently. So when Gerard palmed himself through the black panties and closed his eyes, Frank felt his own dick twitch a little. And to top it all, Gerard started moaning like a fucking whore. It was all 'ah ah' but Frank was more like 'ugh' because his dick was enjoying Gerard's performance far too much for Frank's liking.

"I-I think I need to go." Frank announced to Ray and headed for the bathroom. And poor Ray just stood there, dumbfounded, looking after his friend.

He was sure Frank knew the whore on the stage, hell, maybe he even liked him. But Ray had never seen Frank acting so weird and nervous before. Perhaps that one time when they were celebrating Frank's 18th birthday and the short idiot went to buy them some booze with a fake ID. That resulted as a complete disaster, of course; the salesman told Frank he looked like a thirteen-year-old and sent him to hell. Ray then went into the shop, bought them both a shitload of Capri Sun and they spent the rest of the evening drinking the kids' drinks and went to sleep at around 9 p.m., because, yes, they were cool like that.

Ray eventually groaned and went to get another drink because Frank Iero could go fuck himself.

Hah, Ray wasn't actually far from truth.


When Frank emerged from the bathroom, Gerard's show was long over. He couldn't be all that surprised, that problem of his took ages to get rid off because he didn't feel comfortable jacking off to the image of his, what'd you call him, a friend? Yeah, they were probably friends, or something like that. Sure they've only met like twice before and haven't really done anything what friends normally do, such as sacrificing a virgin or whatever.

And this was exactly why Frank had only one friend, he scared everyone else away. Though, Mikey was kind of his pal, like come on, they had spent so much time together already it was almost impossible for them not to be pals. Frank was forgetting the fact that Mikey hated his guts, though. Because to Frank it didn't-

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