Chapter 19

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Mikey was rather surprised to see Frank walk into his room with a cup of coffee like the nurse normally would. Firstly because he had seriously thought it was afternoon already but realized he was wrong as Frank greeted him with a 'good morning'. Or maybe Frank was the one who had no idea as to what part of a day it actually was, because that wasn't up to refutation either.

Next thing that shocked the boy was, Frank didn't say a single inappropriate nor teasing innuendo which Mikey had been forced to get used to. And well, he didn't find it as pleasant as he should so that was basically when he realized he had officially lost his mind.

Also, who the fuck pissed in Frank's coffee that day? He was more quiet and awkward than Mikey himself which was saying a lot, really. And, of course, Mikey had to keep up his reputation, he couldn't afford not to be the hospital's historically Best-Known Arrogant Prick. That just wasn't happening.

Although, it kinda was as the nurse sat on the floor between the two beds like a total loser, staring ahead but not necessarily at Mikey who was still bewildered as to what the hell was going on. Mikey was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed, Pete's letter folded in one hand and a bit of his white sheet crumpled in the other one. And like that he glared at the potential status-thief, watching him pull his mug to his lips and take a sip, then put the mug between his legs and continue staring until he repeated the actions again, like the traitor he was.

Mikey had this feeling like he should maybe, perhaps, most likely, say something, just get Frank's attention because as it appeared, that wasn't going to happen if he just kept on glaring like a total moron. And so he coughed. Twice. Just to be sure.

And get Frank's attention, it did. He looked up at Mikey as if asking what he wanted. The boy just raised an eyebrow because words seemed to not be in place at that moment. This non-verbal conversation of theirs went on with Frank shrugging his shoulder and taking another sip.

But Mikey was getting tired of Frank acting weird so he decided to be the responsible one for a change, and started the conversation, a verbal one at that.

"So, uhm... What's up?" Smooth, Mikey, very smooth. Frank got startled a little as the noise travelled through the small room. He had zoned out again and when Mikey spoke up, Frank kind of jumped, as much as he could while sitting down, and spilled a little of his coffee onto his pants.

"Fuck." He muttered, trying to rub it off the white fabric but that war has been long lost. White pants simply don't win against black coffee, that just doesn't happen, Frank. He sighed and shook his head, mumbling something Mikey couldn't catch, but not like he cared all that much. But then he remembered his earlier promise to himself and maybe felt some kind of remorse. Not for long, though, this was still Mikey and he was only starting with the 'I care about Frank Iero and no, not only because I wanna get outta here as soon as I possibly can' thing.

When Frank finally somehow acknowledged Mikey still existed, he only smiled softly and Mikey seriously reckoned he couldn't do this anymore because if Frank fucking Iero was smiling, not grinning or laughing or making fun of him with a smile on his face, but actually fucking smiling at him, there must have been something really, really bad going on.

"Jesus, what the fuck happened to you?" Mikey exclaimed, shaking his head slowly in disbelief.

"Ah, ugh... Nothing, I was just thinking..." Frank trailed off, staring at nothing once again and Mikey rolled his eyes so hard he saw stars.

"Just tell me what the fuck is going on, you're making me uncomfortable with all this creepy silence and thinking."

Frank sighed again. "It's really nothing, Mikey. Besides, you're the patient so it's you who should be speaking when something's wrong, not me." He had a point.

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