Chapter 1- First Meeting

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Katsuki Bakugo rubbed his temples for the millionth time. He tipped back his beer and mentally reamed himself. Why did I agree to this shit?

"Oh come on Bakubro!! Look alive!" Kaminari cheered as he bounced back into the group sloshing his drinks around sloppily. 

Through the pulsing bass of the music, he bellowed directly into his friend's face. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" On a less harsh decibel, he added, "I have a headache."

Kirishima laughed brightly as he clapped Bakugo on the shoulder. He shook him off, but Kirishima wouldn't be deterred tonight. "Lighten up man! It's our once-a-month bros night!"

Sero held up his drink. "Bakubro Gang back together!"

"I fucking hate that name," Bakugo grumbled before looking over at Mina. "If it's bro's night, then why's she here?"

The skimpily dressed pink-skinned woman gasped in faux outrage. "I, Mina Ashido, am the mascot of Bakubros!" She held up her fingers as she animatedly explained, "I plan all the outings, pick all the outfits, make all the reservations, and tell all you heathens when to show up!! Without me, you all would be nothing!!!!"

Bakugo grunted a laugh while Kaminari wrapped his arms around her hips and tugged her into his lap. Neither of the two flirts had any regard for personal space as they rubbed noses. 

"We love you, Min. You know Bakugo is just emotionally constipated."

"I'M WHAT?!" He grabbed Kaminari by the collar and dragged him out from beneath Mina. "You want to fucking repeat that sparky?"

Kaminari visibly paled. "N-nope. I'm good, big man. You are overflowing with empathy and emotional clairvoyance."

"Tch." He tossed the electric jellyfish back down. He leaned back in his own side of the booth and put his arm over the back of the seat. "I don't see why we're here though."

Mina knocked back a shot with Kirishima. "What do you mean? This place is epic!"

Sero nodded in agreeance with Mina. "It has a ton of hot babes here! We're all single, so it's perfect!"

Kaminari cleared his throat and eloquently announced, "I, my sad pussy-less friends, am taken!"

"SINCE WHEN?!" Mina screamed in outrage. 

Bakugo smirked. and said around his beer. "If you pay em, it don't count." 

Snickers broke out from the group aside from Kaminari who cried, "I didn't pay her! I met this super amazing girl at work."

"Does she even know your name?" Sero teased. 

"Of course she does!!!!!!! She's new to the agency and absolutely gorgeous."

"if you work with her, does that mean she's a pro hero too?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo wasn't invested. It's likely just another random chick Denki met on the street that he was calling his future wife without ever talking to her. 

"I-well...I don't really...know...."

Bakugo boomed out a laugh. "Fucking aye, Dunce Face. How do you not know even that? You sure she's even real? What's her name then?"

Kaminari turned an interesting shade of red as he muttered, "I...I don't know. She won't tell me her real name. Everyone just calls her Lore."

"Well if she has a code name. Then she must be a pro hero, right?" Kirishima brought up optimistically. 

Sero held up a finger and countered, "Or it's a nickname in case her name is super long for something."

"Elenore! That could be her name!"

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