Chapter- 50 Kirishima💞

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this is the first chapter of my Kiri book, and I lowkey died trying not to release it before I reached this chapter!!!

Go check it out if you want to read tooth-rotting sweetness from our resident daddy shark!

*cough* he's not so sweet in the bedroom *cough*

A Sturdy Lover🍋


He was happy to be at the 98th Annual Hero Gala. It was the event of the year with only the top 50 Heros getting an invitation to rub elbows with some of hero society's richest and most famous. Sure he hadn't been amongst the few to be invited, but his best friend had. Katsuki Bakugo or better known as Ground Zero had been invited since he was the number 2 hero. More importantly to Kirishima though, Bakugo had been his truest friend for the last 10 years since they met in their first year at UA. 

Kirishima leaned against the bar and smiled at Bakugo and Lore's exchanges. It was a big night for the explosive man. He was finally going public with his girlfriend, and Kirishima was glowing with pride that he got to help his friend out! Bakugo was always overconfident, firey, and had a temper than rivaled the old gods, so Kiri knew he was one lucky son of a gun that Bakugo had allowed him to see the good man beneath the flames. 

He swigged his dark liquored drink and tried to appear as the picture of the calm, cool, and collected pro hero. It would have been perfect had his hands not begun to shake so badly that the ice cubes in his glass clattered together.

It was a well-kept secret, but his anxiety had a pretty bad habit of debilitating him at the worst times. Social functions like this were always the worst. No matter how many years he dyed his hair, how much muscle he tacked on, or the number of people he saved, sometimes he still felt like the helpless little black-haired boy he was in middle school. 

Outgoing charisma and a bright smile to cheer anyone up on their darkest day were simply the sword and shield to keep anyone from looking a little too close. 

As he watched his best friend drag his girlfriend onto the dance floor, Kirishima heard a throat clear behind him. 

Assuming he was in the way, he instantly jumped to his feet and said, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to crowd the bar. Please, excuse me."

Then he looked up into the smiling yet nervous indigo eyes that were flickering around the room only landing on his every now and again. 

"H-h-hi Kirishima. It's good to-to see you again," Tamaki Amajiki stuttered nervously as he twiddled his thumbs. 

"Holy crap," Kirishima beamed before he pulled the shorter man in for a back-breaking hug. "It's so good to see you again! I'm so sorry that I didn't get to say hello for real at the conference!! How have you been?"

Amajiki let off a strangled laugh before awkwardly patting a circle on Kirishima's back. "I'm...fine.  Yo-you've gotten bigger."

Kirishima released the nervous man from his embrace, but he kept a hand on his shoulder just in case he tried to run. "Thanks man! Bakugo and I have been hitting the gym like crazy recently!"

Amajiki nodded five times too many in acknowledgment before muttering, "You used to be smaller than me. B-back in UA. Now you-you're as big as Endeavor."

Kirishima smiled so wide it hurt, and he couldn't even try and hide the blush that spread across his cheeks. "Hey bud, that means a lot! Thank you. Don't get down on yourself though Suneater! You're freaking amazing in your own right. Size doesn't have anything to do with how strong someone is. I always have, and always will look up to you."

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