Chapter- 44 Hawks

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After his night of heavy drinking, Lore made sure to turn off all of Bakugo's early morning alarms so that he could get extra rest. Breakfast was delivered sometime in the late morning since she figured he didn't want to wake up to the smell of her burning eggs, or bacon, or potatoes...or anything else within her 5-meter radius. Cooking...not her thing. 

She was unpacking the delicious-smelling breakfast when she heard one very unhappy groan from upstairs. 


"Coming Katsuki, don't get up baby. Just relax," she called as she grabbed two Advil and a water. 

She entered the bedroom to find Bakugo curled around her pillow scowling up at her with a narrow red eye. 

"Aww my poor baby. Here, this will help with the headache," she cooed. 

Bakugo snatched the water bottle away. "This headache is all your fault."

"All my fault?" she laughed while handing him the two pills which he grumbled something about not needing, yet took anyways. "I do believe sir, that you were the one who tracked me down to the club. You could have simply stayed home."

"We both know that's a fucking lie Lu," he smirked as he closed his eyes once again. "I can't stay away from you even if I try."

She ran her thumb over his brows and sunk her fingers gently into his spikey blonde hair causing him to sigh. "I never want you to try and stay away from me. How are you feeling though? Tired?"

"I have a headache, but I'll live."

"Do you want to get more sleep baby?" 

The alcohol was definitely still in his system because he pouted and nodded once. Baby Bakugo likely was the cutest thing when he was grumpy and tired. Her ovaries punched her in the stomach as her imagination went wild. Lore smiled at him as she placed a single kiss on his brow. 

"Then get some sleep Katsuki."

When she tried to get up, he grabbed her wrist causing her to raise her brows in question. He was plenty strong enough to yank her back down to bed, and she'd happily go with him. Sleepy Katsuki was one of her favorites because he'd wrap her up in his sugary musk just holding her securely as his deep even breathing lulled her to sleep. 

But alas he didn't tug her down. He just glared. "Where are you going?"

"I got us some breakfast that might help with the hangover. I was going to bring it to you."

"Breakfast in bed? Tch. What am I? A kid?"

"You're not a kid, baby." That particular pet name got her a scathing look which made her chuckle. "But I know you don't feel good. I just want to take care of you," she said as her fingers trailed along his jaw. 

"I can at least get up," he grumbled weakly. 

She placed her hand on his chest and gave the tiniest bit of resistance. Her fingers splayed across the warm expanse of Bakugo's bare chest. 

"Don't. Just relax. Let's get you some breakfast and water in you, and then I want you to go back to sleep okay?"

He wasn't fighting too hard as he released her wrist allowing her to bring him his food. She tried not to smile at how adorable he was knowing he'd hate her having seen him so clingy and weak. Both were adjectives she would never use to describe him, but Bakugo had a very high standard for himself. Needing advil, breakfast in bed, and extra coddling simply did not meet that level no matter how cute she found it. 

Lore was able to feed him a bit of breakfast before his eyes began to get heavier and heavier with each passing blink. She removed his tray and helped him settle into their bed. 

Bakugo x Lore 🍋 (Bakugo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now