Chapter- 12 The Date pt 2

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Lore couldn't stop smiling. "Really it's your fault."

Bakugo slammed his menu down and demanded, "How in the fuck is it my fault that you keep smiling at me?"

"Because," she ran her foot up his calf, "you're cute when you're angry."

"And I wonder why I'm angry," he spat between clenched teeth. 

Lore was all giggles as the waiter came around again. She smiled up at him which made him forget himself for a second. 

"I-I-Hi. My name is Michael. I am your waiter tonight. Can I- can I get you anything to drink?"

Lore looked over to Bakugo who was scowling at her. She put a hand to her chest and raised a brow in mock innocence. He snorted at her and said, "A bottle of red and two waters."

"Which red would you like-"

"Lu, do you care because I genuinely don't give a fuck."

She shrugged and admitted, "I don't really drink. I'm sure it could be tap wine, and I'd never know."

"Tap wine?" he laughed at her. 

"See? It's not even a real thing. Katsuki, baby, get what you normally drink. I genuinely don't drink. If anything I'd have half a glass at most."

He seemed to pause for a moment before he pressed, "Are you sure? I thought women liked wine?"

She shrugged and admitted, "I'd be happier with a Shirley temple to be honest."

"Wow. Okay. So many surprises in one night." She blushed under his intense gaze, but he took mercy on her when he barked at the waiter, "An old fashioned and a Shirley temple."

"Of course sir." He looked at her and bowed slightly. "Ma'am."

She took a moment to look around the gorgeous restaurant. She smiled when she saw all the happy couples chatting with one another. She crossed her arms and leaned in to whisper across the table, "Hey baby? Want to play a game?"


She looked back at him, but he was staring at her tits pressed against the table. To get his attention, she pressed them together making her top gap even more. Bakugo's eyes rose to hers as he snarled, "Stop that."


He threw his napkin at her chest which made her giggle. "Because I don't want other guys staring at you."

She put the napkin in her lap and asked, "Why? Are you a jealous man Katsuki Bakugo?"

His eyes practically glowed in the darkness of the restaurant as he challenged, "What do you think?"

"You want honesty?"

"I always want you to be honest with me." His voice rang clear despite how heavy he was making the air. 

"I know for a fact you're a blindly jealous lover." When his eyebrows shot up, she continued, "I've seen the tabloids. I know you've gotten in fist fights over your trashy ex-girlfriends." 

He cringed away from her and asked, "You really read those things?"

"Of course. Hasn't everyone? You're the number 2 hero Katsuki. I'd have to live under a rock not to know who you are at least in name, but," he raised a questioning eyebrow, "I also know better than to let some biased trash news outlet taint who I believe you are."

The waiter brought back their drinks to the table. "Here you are, ma'am. Do you need another minute to order?"

Lore looked over at Bakugo who was surprisingly quiet. He seemed to be lost in thought, so she answered, "Yes please."

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