She's a Baaaaad Girl!*

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As the school bell rang, Nya ran out of math class. As much as she was smart, she hated school. It was never meant for her. However, if she was going to be in school, she wouldn't allow people to boss her around. The Smith siblings have always had a reputation of being the ones who wouldn't be bossed around. Kai did respect his teachers' authority, but never got anyone to change his mind. Nya though is entirely the opposite. She is the one who bosses and dominates everyone and she hates her teachers.

Nya didn't mind sitting by herself at lunch. She did sit by herself at the beginning of her high school years, but it wasn't until she met Skylor in grade 10. Skylor was in grade 11 and she was dating Kai who was in grade 12. Kai and Skylor aren't high school anymore, Kai is University and Skylor just inherited her dad's restaurant. Nya and Skylor were always the closest friends and when Skylor moved back to Ninjago City after graduation, it was tough for both of them. However, Skylor found a positive when she moved in with Kai as he is in NCU, Ninjago City University.

After Nya finished her noodles, she went on Instabrick to check in on Skylor. She wasn't expecting this post. It was Skylor's hand showing her ring and another pic showing her and Kai kissing while showing the ring with a caption saying "To all my flirting customers, I'm so sorry. My number one flirting customer has decided to ask me to be his and I said yes!!! I love my Kai, my hot stuff who is now my hot fiancée." Nya couldn't help but smile, they have always been so close and loyal to each other since they were in grade 8.

The bell rang telling all students to get their school work and head back to class. As Nya made her way to her locker, a student bumped into her.

"Oh, sorry Nya. I'm very late to my class, I didn't mean to make you lose your lunch case."

That student turned out to be Jay Walker. He isn't the most popular nor the most respected student in the school. He's pretty much the punching bag if you want to get a laugh. Jay is the class clown and nerd. He loves anything to do with engineering and video games. Sometimes, Nya can't help but be a little jealous of Jay for having such passion for his hobbies.

"Just watch where you're going next time," said Nya a little harshly.

"Sorry ma'am," said Jay, trying to make a small joke.

Nya waited until Jay was out of sight to crack a small smile at the comment he made. She always liked Jay's sense of humour. Whatever the situation was, whether he was being bullied or being punished for failing to hand in an assignment, he always had a joke, one-liner, and/or sly comment/remark about it.

As school ended, she made her way to the parking lot to ride her motorbike home, but she was surprised to see a familiar face.

"Skylor?! OH MY GOSH!!! It's been so long," exclaimed Nya as she rushed to hug her friend.

"I know! I'm sorry, we should call more often," said Skylor as she hugged her friend back.

They break their hug and Skylor shows her the ring. Nya's face lights up when she sees it.

"It was your mother's. Kai told me that they left you guys their stuff in their will. Kai got the rings and the blacksmith store. They left you the house until you turned 18. I'm happy that they still left you their stuff," Skylor remarked.

Nya's parents passed away after Kai's graduation. Ray and Maya Smith died in a car crash. To Nya, they were her biggest role models and her ideal couple. They always loved each other through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, in richness and in poverty.

"Yeah, mom and dad always wanted Kai to start a family. He always talked about being a father, even when we were kids, he always acted like an overprotective brother," said Nya with a small smile on her face.

Nya and Skylor sat down on the bench by the football field and got caught up on their lives. Skylor is getting new people to sponsor the restaurant and she is revamping the menu. While Nya is getting a scholarship to NCU and she is going to major in marine biology.

As they were having their conversation, Skylor noticed something weird.

"Is that Jay?" asked Skylor as she saw him walk out of the school after school was over.

Nya looked back and saw him walk over to his parking spot near the bench.

"I thought he graduated last year," said Skylor.

"Yeah, he wanted an extra year. He said he doesn't want to rush into university," answered Nya.

"I heard he finally got a girlfriend."

"What? No way, I see him almost everyday and I haven't seen a girl wrapped around his arm."

Skylor raised her eyebrow.

"Aw come on, you don't actually think I like him right?"

Skylor kept her eyebrow raised. She wasn't impressed.

"Alright! I like him, but we are so different. He's so scared but I really like him. He's cute, I love his freckles, his deep blue eyes, and his hair. It looks so soft and...." Nya drifts off and daydreams about Jay.

"Sorry. Just don't tell anyone about this," said Nya.

Unfortunately, Nya's wish would not be respected as Jay heard all of it. He hid in his car as heard it, he pretended to be on his phone. Jay saw this as a golden opportunity, all he had to do was wait for the right time to strike.

A/N: There is going to be part 2.

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