He's a Baaaaad Boy!*

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A few days after Nya confessed to Skylor and Jay overheard that she likes him, Jay thought it would be a good time to strike. Jay always liked Nya but being friends with Kai wasn't easy. He knew Kai would be against them dating but considering they haven't seen each other since grade 12, Jay feels like he could go for it. To him, Nya was high maintenance, because Nya wanted to be the one in control. But he's going to go against that if he really wants to impress her. He wants to show her that he can take charge while still being a kind and caring person.

Jay had most of his day taken up by Math, English, and History. However, after auto class, he has a chance because he has lunch break and then the weight room. Nya has the same lunch break and she recently made a change in her schedule to go to the weight room. Jay's day in auto wasn't the best. Cars kept coming in and he had to do most of the electric diagnostics. He also had to finish some oil changes which just ruined his face and smell. When the teacher called for clean up time, Jay tried as quickly and as thoroughly as he could to remove the oil from his face.

When the bell rang, Jay went to have lunch in the cafeteria. He kept looking for Nya but she was nowhere to be found. After eating his lunch by himself, again, he made his way back to the locker to put away his lunch case.

That's when he ran into Nya.

Nya saw him and just shoved him into the janitor's closet. There wasn't much space and both of them were really close to each other.

"Jay," she said as she bit her lip in anticipation.

"I know you like me, so I thought, why not try and start things."

Jay saw her eyes and he shook his head.

"I uh..... don't know..... what you mean by that," said Jay nervously as Nya kept stalking her prey.

"I think you're lying. You know exactly what I mean," she said seductively and assertively.

She started to close the distance between their bodies. She put her hands on his chest. Jay was still wearing his coveralls, she put her hands on the buttons as she played with them. Teasing him with the buttons.

But something in Jay snapped.

He grabbed her hands and spun her to the wall where he cornered her. Nya gasped at the sudden realization that Jay was in charge. Her jaw left hanging in pure astonishment. This seemingly sweet and caring guy was all of the sudden dominant.

"You forgot one thing, Nya," she gasped again when she heard him say her name.

"You mistook me for a guy that gets flustered by any girl that looks at him. Or a guy that will let any girl walk all over him. You thought wrong," said Jay as he got closer to Nya's face. She felt being pushed harder unto the wall. She never felt this way. She never felt more alive.

"I wasn't playing your game, you were playing mine."

As soon as that whisper made it unto Nya's ear, she closed her eyes and tried to regain her composure. She wanted more, a lot more.

But Jay couldn't give into her demands. She was playing his game. So Jay slowly backed away and left a shocked Nya in the janitor's closet.

"Holy shit," thought Nya as she was regaining her breath.

As Nya exited the closet, she headed back to her class. On the walk to the weight room in her work out clothes, all she could think about was Jay. How close he was to her, how she felt confined in that small space, how felt dominated by a seemingly submissive guy.

That's when she realized people were staring at her. People knew something was wrong. Nya wasn't herself but she kept moving to her class.

That's when she noticed Jay in the weight room. No wonder he was strong.

She couldn't focus as Jay worked out in front of the mirror. Clearly, auto and weight room have been very kind to him.

Nya really had to think about whether to pursue this relationship and possibly sacrifice her reputation or try and double down while risking losing the relationship. If the encounter gets out to people, it could really inspire not just the students but also the teachers to finally get Nya under control. She won't rule the hallways with a mighty fist anymore.

"I need to talk to Skylor. She could help me with this," thought Nya as she looked away from Jay and went back to her own workout. She did notice Jay staring at her a couple times. But her main focus was on her conflict.

A/N: I will work on part 3 later

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