Why would I?

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(Post season 4)

Nya was ready. She was ready to accept Jay back into her life. After going back and forth on who she wanted to spend her life with, she thought that Jay would be the right one for her. She still remembers how much he cared for her, she felt guilt for not doing the same to Jay.

Her heart was screaming that she loved Jay.

While Jay's heart was broken, discarded, and violated by Nya. As much as he tried to get Nya back, he realized something that had been missing from Nya.


"Jay!" Nya yelled.

Jay stepped out of his room and saw Nya with the biggest smile on her face. Unfortunately, this time he wasn't going to keep that smile there.

"What?" he answered coldly.

"I want to give us another try. I know I said for both you and Cole to wait but I just made my decision. So, Jay Walker, will you go on a date with me?"

Nya had a smile as she asked, she was so confident that Jay would say yes. Instead, Jay laughs, but not a cheerful laugh.

A laugh laced with anger and pain.

"Really? After all that you've done to me last time, did you really think I would say yes? Nya, grow up! You don't want me because you love me, you want me cause it makes you feel good. That's not love. You knew that I was loyal to you and only you, but after what you did to me with Cole showed me that you don't care," said Jay as he was starting to raise his voice.

Nya never heard him raise his voice at her, but Nya being the stubborn sister of Kai (who is equally as stubborn as her), she defended herself.

"Even when I told you I made a mistake, you still reacted like a child! I told you, but both of you just wouldn't listen!!!"

"OHHH-HO, that's rich!!! But if I made that "mistake", you would've kicked me out of your life forever! Even when you had the thing with Cole, I was willing to put that behind me but you sided with him too! You never once tried to tell Cole that you wanted to stay with me, you just said 'You both look like fools!' How about this, Nya? I don't want you, because you never wanted to be with me," said Jay as his voice was being raised even more.

"How would you expect me to choose you when you couldn't even control yourself when Cole walked in the room? Jay, you massive hypocrite!" that was the last time Nya said anything.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!!! I'VE STUCK WITH YOU SINCE DAY ONE! EVEN WHEN WE FOUGHT THE STONE ARMY, I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! EVEN AFTER YOU KEPT YOUR SECRET OF BEING THE SAMURAI, I STILL WANTED TO STICK WITH YOU!!! BUT I SHARE MY PUDDING WITH YOU? 'No, Jay!!! You're crossing boundaries.' YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK WITH MY BEST FRIEND? 'Jay, it was an accident! You have to believe me!' AND WHAT ABOUT THE TOURNAMENT OF ELEMENTS? 'Thanks for not fighting Cole. That was big of you both.' NYA, YOU RUINED MY FRIENDSHIP WITH COLE!!! What makes you think that after all of this, that I still want to be with you?"

Nya stood there quietly. Tears had rolled down both of their eyes. Jay just walked back in his room and slammed the door shut on Nya. She snapped out of her trance and ran back to her room.

Only one of them was crying at night.

Jay was somewhat happy. He let out his frustrations about his relationship with Nya, but what made it bad was that he let them out on Nya.

After Nya heard and saw a different man that day, she cried the night away. She realized what she had done to break Jay's heart. But what was worse was that she was willing to give hers to him. Turns out, Jay came out with a shredder and put her heart in it.

If Nya wanted to fix her relationship with Jay, she took the wrong step. She needed to fix his trust in him, but she knew she couldn't.

Nya gave up on Jay.

And just like she had done with anything she couldn't accomplish, she threw it out and gave up.

Over the next few months, Jay and Nya grew apart. He couldn't look at her and she didn't want to be in the same room as him. Even Kai was wondering what the hell was happening.

"Hey," said Kai to Nya as he entered her room, "what's going on between you and Jay?"

The next thing he knew, Nya broke down crying. He rushed to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey, what happened?" he asked once more.

"I broke his heart!" said Nya as she sobbed onto Kai's shoulder.

Unfortunately, destiny was going to put them through even more hurt and pain.

A/N: My first attempt at angst. If you ask me, if I was in the same situation as Jay, I would've dumped her the minute it was revealed that she was disloyal and unfaithful. I would've still lashed out at Cole for it but Nya was the one who betrayed Jay's trust. So, thoughts on my first attempt at angst? Would you guys be ok if I still made one-shots with angst? I hope you guys liked the story. I know I did.

I'm a psychopath!


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