Chapter Two

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Tyler POV:

"I would still go to a doctor and get a DNA test or somthing like that. To know for sure." I suggested, while my eyes went from Jamies eyes to the girl. Even though he didn't know if it was his daughter he already have his hand in her hair and stroke through it smoothly. In one thing Claudia was right, Jamie would make a good Dad.

"I guess I call my Mum later, explain it to her also and then go to the hospital. But I will do it in 3 or 4 hours, since it was a real struggle getting her to sleep and we only have practice in the early noon. And before I forget it, thank you for being here. I didn't know who I should call rather". He said sleepy going through his hair before before rubbing his eyes, closing them and yawning.

"No problem mate. You know I'll be there for you, even with things like that." I spoke with a soft grin on my face. "You should go to sleep, I can take her meanwhile." I suggested, making Jamie open his eyes again and looking at me.

He seems to think about it, which caused the wrinkle on his forehead to appear. "But you need to sleep too." He said looking at me. "You look quite destroyed. Your beauty sleep didn't work this time" He adds giggling. I looked at him smiling. At least he's in a better mood now.

"Then we both stay at the couch, okey?" I brought up, already standing to turn all the lights off. As I turned the last light off everything went pitched black except from the light which is coming fron the moon. I lie down again and make me comfortable on the sofa."Thank you again for being here". I heard Jamie saying and noticed his hand tapping my foot. "Of cause" I answered, which was the last sentence before we went silent.

I got woken up by the sound of someone crying. Opening my eyes I noticed that it is already light outside probably like around 8 am and Jamie was missing on the end of my feet.

I stood up and folllowed the crying into Jamies bedroom. "...ok thank you Mum see you." Was the last thing I heard before he endet the phone call and I stepped into his room.

"Pss Maddy everything is good, everything is alright" he said while rocking the girl lightly. "I wan' Momwy." The little girl cried but still snuggles up in Jamies arms and put her face in Jamies chest. "I can't Maddy. She isn't here. But I am"

As he turned and noticed me he looked frustrated into my direction gently stroking his arm over her back "and look uncle Tyler is also there." The little one stopped crying slowly and looked also in my direction.

I lifted me hand to wave at her. She startet grining a bit and waved back shyly before burying her head in Jamies neck. "Why is she so trusting?" I asked kinda confused. "Apparently, her M-u-m showed her pictures and videos of me. I got woken up by her calling me Daddy. And she knows you too." He said smiling proudly and looking at her.

I also have to smile but more at that he spelled out Mum to not get the girl to cry again. I stepped closer and stroke Maddy over her back just like Jamie did a few moments ago. I don't really know why I did that but she is like one of the cutest humans I've ever seen. The stroke causes her to turn and smile at me. Right there I notices how much she looked like Jamie.

They shared the same colour of eyes and hair. Also what is really impressive her face structure is the same as Jamies. All in all she is the perfect little female twin of Jamie. The only difference I noticed are her curls, which Jamie doesn't have.

"Why are you looking at us like this?" Jamie asked having a confused smile on his face. "I just noticed how much you look alike, she is like your twin." He smiled at my answer.

"You're just saying that. And by the way I made an appointment with the hospital, we should be there in two hours. Anyway I have to go shower now, would you take her? Hey Maddy do you want to go with uncle Tyler?" I held my arms up to her. She looks at Jamie, then to me and reaches with her little hands in my direction. I grabbed her and went downstairs again with her on my hip.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her as we got in the kitchen. I put her down on the floor and opened the fridge to look what's inside not really expwcting her to answer. Lucky that Jamie always has food in there. "How does pancakes with applesauce sounds?" I ask, putting the ingredients on the kitchen counter.

She nods and looked from side to side as if she is searching for something. "Uncw Tylew?" I bent down to answer her, caresses her cheek "Yes Sweetie?" She giggled at the nickname, putting her little hands over her mouth.

"Know whre Gigi?" Gigi who or what is a Gigi, I asked myselfe. Just a second late I understood that she probably meant the giraffe that she had with her.

"I guess she is in the living room" I said while I got out some bowls and started to prepare the dough for the pancakes. She pointed in the direction of the living room, I nodded and of she ran towards it.

In the meantime Jamie got through the door. "That smells amazing", just like Maddy a minute ago, Jamie looked from side to side "Where is Maddy?" Before I could answer Maddy came running through the door again. "I'm wight heew Daddy!" She said existed but yet a bit sassy "Oh yeah silly me, I havn't seen you there." She smiled up to him and he smiled down to her. They already are quite the duo.

I put the rest of the dough in the pan and looked up after that. "Hey Jamie, can you set the table?"

"What do you mean darling, should we help Tyler." He looked down at her, waiting for an answer. She looked up at him and start nodding. "Yews, helpwing". Jamie looked up again and started to put the plades out and gave Maddy some plastic cups to carry them to the table.

After the table is set it wasn't long anymore till the pancakes were ready. Still they couldn't start eating just then, they were interrupted by the door bell.

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