Chapter Eleven

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Tyler POV:

"Hey Tyler, I am so sorry that was not my intention," Wyatt the rookie stepped next to my head, grabbed my shoulder and squished it.

I looked up "Hey rookie it's the game. Everything's alright, don't worry." I said to calm him down even though I was feeling like shit right now.

I have to say I'm really sick at the moment. I grabbed my head and probably stroked my wound because when I checked my hand there was a bit of blood there. Where is the towel anyway?

"Hey Tyler, I called an ambulance, there are here in maximum 10 minutes" Pete said and crouched down next to me.

"You haven't had to do this. I'm better" I propped myself up with my arms, but lay down again as soon as I realized that everything was spinning again. "Nonsense, I can see that you are not good." I sighed, I don't want to go to the hospital, I was there long enough after my hip surgery.

"Okey Tyler. I am going to ask you some questions. Do you know which day we have?" William asked and of course I new it. "It's monday" I said confidently and watched him just look serious in my eyes. "It's not, isn't it?" I asked not to confidently now.

He shook his head. "Can you name the months backwards?" He asked next. And no matter how hard I try I couldn't get the months in the right order. He left to talk with someone leaving me behind disappointment in myselfe.

"Papa huwt?" I could hear Maddys tearful voice after a few minutes. I looked up and saw Maddy on Jamies arms. To show her that i'm feeling better, I sat up on the bench but had to close the eyes for a moment. Holy this is worser than I thought. I had to concentrate myselfe that I wouldn't throw up right now and right here.

"No, everything alright hunny. It's nothing." I said to comfort her but she looked not convinced up to Jamie, like she didn't know what she should think and then streched her arms out to me. I wasn't sure if I should take her because my arms aren't really stable right now either.

Jamie probably noticed this and set Maddy in my lap before sitting down next to me and putting a towel over my head injury. She leaned herself on my chest and I leaned myself on Jamie again, closed my eyes and sighed.

I relaxed my muscles again since it is still kinda hard to keep my body up, Jamie probably interpreted it to mean that i was going to lose consciousness and quickly put an arm around me.

"Tyler? You still there?" Jamie asked alarmingly and I could feel that someone took Maddy from my lap. I wanted to response but my muscles are just limp and I hadn't have the strength to open my eyes.

It is a scarry feeling to notice like everything around you but couldn't response. I could feel that they lay me back on the bench and someone touched my throat, are they really checking my pulse? I also could hear that everyone is talking criss-cross or trying to help with the situation.

"Come on Tyler! Wake up again." I could hear Jamie and also feel that he is slapping against my cheek, with the last strength I opened my eyes again. "Hey there" I saw Jamie smiling he was leaning above my head. After he saw that I was awake he crouched down next to me and stroke through my hair.

"I'm tired, Jam-" I couldn't end my sentence because through the door came the paramedics with a manager. I managed to turn my head in the time they also crouched down on the other side where Jamie isn't.

"Good morning Sir. What happened?" The woman asked and William explained the situation and his guess for my diagnosis. "Okey, how are you feeling?" The other one asked, already covering my head wound with a compress. "I'm tired, pretty dizzy and I have the urge to vomit." I answered quite and slowly, trying to concentrate myselfe to say the right things and not stumble over my words.

"Do you have any neck pain?" I nodded my head slowly. "I'll make sure that you don't have a neck injury" she said and felt my neck, asked from time to time if I felt pain and told her but since my pain is mainly in my head, I denyed many of her questions.

"Have you lost consciousness in the process or after it?" Before I could answer I really felt like throwing up.

I set up myselfe up quickly and looked back and forth in panic to somehow find a garbage can. Jamie was the only one who seemed to interpret the situation correctly and quickly placed a bucket under my mouth.

After I was finished I felt weaker than ever before. I closed my eyes and leand my head on the shoulder of the still crouching Jamie next to me.

"He was unconscious for maybe 5 seconds right after the collision and then again after maybe 3 minutes for like 15 seconds." Jamie answered for me and run his hand up and down my back.

He ran his hand up to my hairline in the back of my neck and rubbed my scalp a little. It's no secret between us that I enjoy it and it relaxes me.

"Okey and did he vomited before?" Jamie shook his head, I could feel the movements. "We will definitely take him with us but not with the gear on. Is there any chance we could take it off?" Jamie didn't replied just began to take my boots of.

"Tyler, Babe? With the other stuff you gotta help me okey?" I tried to pick myself up from Jamie which I succeeded after a while. Jamie then took off the rest of my gear so that I was only in a t-shirt and sports pants on the bench, right after we had everything off I leaned on Jamie again and closed my eyes out of exhaustion. The paramedic meanwhile went and got the lounger from the ambulance. "Okey we ha-"

"Daddy?" Was a loud call to be heard. I opened my eyes only a little bit and saw Maddy standing in the hallway and right behind her was Esa with an apologising look on his face. He was probably the one who took Maddy out of my lap.

"Maddy go with uncle Esa play again okey?" Jamie asked in her direction, she just shook her head and runs in our direction. "Papa?" I don't have the strength to reply to her so I just hummed which makes my head pound.

"You otay?" Maddy asked and without opening my eyes I nodded with my head on Jamies shoulder. I reached one of my hands out to take her hand and stroke over the back of her hand.

"Give him some time Mads, he will be alright." Jamie said trying to comfort his daughter. "We have to go." one of the paramedic said and brought the lounger as near to the bench as she could, which was still far away for me.

I tried to imagine how long this will take as I noticed that Jamie picked me up bridestyle and carried me to the lounger and set me down there as softly as possible.

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