Chapter Eighteen

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Tyler POV:

"And on your lap, who is that?" Now I was the one looking at Jamie, she isn't my topic I don't know how much he wants to expose of the story and her.

"That's my daughter. Madison but actually we call her Maddy all the time, unless she did something wrong." Jamie smiled "Hey Mads you wanna say hi to the guys?" I said looking at the screen again.

She looked unsure but waved a bit. "Hi" even the little word ended in a coughing fit but at least she got a compassionate smile and a wave back from the guys. "Ou is there someone sick?" Jamie just nodded. "They both actually have bedrest" he signed. "Yes Mum." I said and rolled my eyes.

The eye roll gave the rest to the dizzy feeling and I felt really sick right now. I heard the guys laughing about the joke and quickly handed Maddy over to Jamie. He looked at me confused but I didn't have time to answer. And stood up, walking fastly inside. "Tyler are you ok?" I could hear Jamies call in the distance.

I went as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom and bent over the toilet bowl. Nothing came out and after a minute I didn't feel like staying there anymore. I got up and went to the sink. I let cool water runn over my hands and put them then on my face, getting it cooled down.

I went after that in the living room and dropped myselfe on the sofa. I seem to have dozed off a bit, when I opened my eyes and saw Cash on my feet and next to me Jamie who has Maddy on his chest who is also sleeping.

"Hey how are you? You made a pretty dramatic exit earlier." Jamie smiled a bit concerned. "Yeah it was nothing." I waved him off. "The boys where pretty confused too. I said that you always go away like that." He said serious.

"And they believed you that?" I asked amused. Suppress my laughter. He shrugged with his shoulders and turned back to his phone with a smile on his face.

I looked at the clock, it was already evening and I'm getting quite hungry. "What is there to dinner?" I asked turning my head.

"I havn't thought about that but if you wanna cook you can go." I stood up, ignoring the familiar dizziness. I walked into the kitchen and looked around, what Jamie got and I then decided on simply on mac and cheese.

After I was finished I lastly set the table and walked back to the living room. Maddy is now awake and talking with Jamie as I stepped in. "Food's ready" I just said and went back.

We all set on the table. "By the way apparently she goes to a daycare nearby." Jamie said and began to eat. "Daddy?" Maddy whispered, getting Jamies attention. "Yeah?" "No hungry" Maddy said and tried to get up from the table, due her seat she couldn't.

"But you have to. You also didn't eat much this lunch." Jamie said and held a spoonful of mac and cheese in front of Maddy's mouth. She just shook her head and pressed her lips together.

"Just two spoons, Maddy." But she refused to open her mouth. "No! Tum hurt." She said and put her arms around herselfe. "Do you want a toast, this will not course too much trouble with your tummy but you really need something in there." Jamie said and pointed at her stomach. She nodded and Jamie got up to get a toast.

"Your gonna let her stay in the daycare? Or home?" I asked after I swallowed my food. "I don't know yet. I mean it's better for her to get the social interactions and I have time to get things done, you know cleaning and going to practice. But I have to bring her there like everyday and I also don't know what I will do when we have don't have home games. I mean I can take her with me but where do I put her when we play?" He talked fast as if he really wanted to talk about that topic for a long time.

"Mhh what do you think of a nanny or au pair maybe?" I said as Jamie sat down again and gave Maddy her toast. "I actually also thought about this options, but I don't know. Au pair definitely not because he or she would have to stay somewhere and I don't have a guestroom anymore. Actually that is the problem because if I get a nanny, she also has to sleep somewhere when I'm away except when they come to away games but then you also have to find a nanny that will come with you. I'm sure no nanny will do this." Jamie said exhausted of thinking.

"And what if you leave her with maybe Johns wive or Esas. And when we have away games you could ask who will be there and if some of them are there you could give her to them." Jamie didn't seem too happy with the option but I think it's the easiest solution.

After the conversation the dinner didn't went long. Everyone was exhausting from the day and just wanted to go to bed.

And with that I find myself back in Maddie's room. "So Mads, your time to go to sleep." Jamie said and laid Maddy who was almost sleeping in his arms in her bed.

"Goodnight Baby, sleep well. I love you." Jamie said leaning over his daughter pressing a kiss on her forhead. "Nigh Daddy. Lov ye toh" Maddy mumbled and Jamie put the blanket over her completely befor letting me to Maddy to say goodnight.

"Goodnight hunny have good dreams." I said and pressed a kiss on her cheek. "Nigh Papa, lov ye" she said and closed her eyes. I looked surprised to Jamie who just smiled. "I love you too, Maddy." I answered her and then got next to Jamie who was standing in the door frame. He turned off the light as I stepped out of her room.

"And what are Papa and Daddy are doing when the child sleeps?" He asked with a pervert grin on his face. I slept his upper chest and just smiled a bit over his joke.

"I know what we are doing now. Going to sleep. I am extremely exhausted." I said getting an agreeing nod from Jamie. He got the extra bed sheets and blanket from his closet.

"Thank you Jamie, that you do this for me." I said as he wanted to go out of the room. He stopped "It goes without saying tyler it is really ok. You're my best friend and apparently my fake husband so it's kinda my responsibility." He smiled and got out of the room.

It's weird sleeping in Jamies bed it all smells like him. Not that it stinks, Jamie actually smells really good but it is still weird.

I closed my eyes ant went into a peaceful sleep.

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