Chapter Thirteen

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Tyler POV:

"I sowy Papa" she whispered again and leaned her head against Jamies chest. "It's ok Mads" but now another person out of the rink heard that Maddy calls me Papa and Jamie Daddy.

But since he is my fake Husband and she my fake daughter, it is not too far off that she calls me Papa.

I swear if we keep doing this we'll gonna get in the press cross fire. "Mr. Seguin we have to go now." The nurs whom I completely forgott about said

I nodded and she got a wheelchair where I could sit in. "Are you stable enough to do this alone" the nurse asked as I slid to the edge of the bed.

"Yes, at least I think so" I said unsure. "Okey, do you still feel dizzy?" The nurse responded. "Pretty much yes. But only when I move my eyes to much or when I move to quickly." I said and put my legs on the ground.

"Then wait a second." The nurse said and got to me and laid her hands on my hip to stabilise me and helpe me to get into the wheelchair. As I sat down I was relieved and sighed from exhaustion, I never thought that this would still effect me so much.

"Whe go?" Maddy asked still in a whisper. "They have to do some pictures from my brain to look if everything is going like it should." I tried to explain that she understood too.

She nodded and the nurse began to wheel me out of the room."Have you been in a computer tomograph bofore?" The nurse asked as we were near the room.

"Yes I have." I answered. I never liked this machine, it's to loud and kinda scary. "Ok then I don't have to explain it. Do you have everything metallic of?" I nodded and she helped me on the lounger before she stepped out of the room and got behind the window where a man was standing probably my Doctor or something.

Then it started, I was mechanically pushed into the machine on the stretcher and then I could hear the dull noise, like the last time. After some time the sounds stopped and I got out of the mechine again and into the wheelchair.

The same nurse like befor wheeled me back into my room, where I saw one of the cutest pictures right infront of my eyes.

Maddy probably got tired since it's past her nap time and choose Jamies chest to sleep. Jamie like it seemed got tired too and now both of them are sleeping on the chair, Maddy probably comfortabler than Jamie. How long have we been away that they had the chance to fell asleep

"The doctor is with you in a couple of minutes." She whispered, trying to not wake up the both of them. I nodded and she was already on her way out as she turned around again "by the way, you have a cute family" she said, took a last look on 'my family' and got out of the room.

"I know." I answered in a whisper eventhough she isn't in the room anymore. "Papa?" I could hear a little voice next to me. Maddy looked up to me a bit and rubbed her eye with her little fist.

"Yeah I'm back. You sleep again, ok?" I said to her and extended my hand for her to take. She took it and closed her eyes. Since I'm still tired and I don't have enything better to do I also closed my eyes, Maddys hand still in mine and next to Jamies. A family, that would be nice.

I was woken up by two voices talking. I also could feel a little body beside me, probably Maddy, Jamie must have laid her beside me when he woke up.

As I opend my eyes I could see Jamie talking to a man in a white coat, if that's my doctor, I haven't slept long since the nurse said that he will be here in only a few minutes.

I also feel like I haven't slept much and the longer I keep my eyes open, the stronger the headache, nausea and dizziness became. I set up trying not to disturb Maddy. The sound I made drew attention to me, making Jamie and the doc turn.

"Mr. Seguin you are awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, steeping next to my bed and shines with a lamp in my eyes.

"I have a terrible headache and the nausea and dizziness comes back when I have my eyes open too long. It is really exhausting to keep my eyes open." I answered, trying to summarise how I feel right now.

"Okey. I have already talked with your husband and explained some things to him. You have a slight concussion. The symptoms you have are commen for a concussion and will stay a few days, a maximum of two weeks.

It could happen that you also get difficulties with logical thinking and also not master fine motor tasks in the first few days. Also your memory could be affected but that shouldn't be too much.

We would like to keep you here for the next 24 hours, if complications arise. I've already told your husband that you shouldn't stay alone at first.

If the symptoms stay longer then two weeks or you feel like they getting stronger you come here again. You need rest and for at least 2 to 3 days no mobile phone, television, computer and avoid reading a lot. So in summary, don't do anything that could overtax your brain, it's best to sleep the whole day and avoid physical and mental exertion at all costs.

After 1 to 3 months you can return to your sport completely, that is from person to person different you have to figure it out on you own, I have heard that you are a Ice hockey player so you discuss this with your team doctor and you then develop a plan.

Very important, if the symptoms get worse you absolutely have to take a break, always listen to your body! If the pain gets to much you can take paracetamol but only two per day, if the dizziness is too much or you feel too sick you can take vertigoheel."

After the lecture I had to rethink everything, I think I can only remember half of it.

"Maybe that was a lot of information, but that's why you have your husband, who can also remember the information." He said, looking in the direction of Jamie and smiled a bit. He said goodbye and walked out the door.

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