Chapter Fifteen

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Tyler POV:

When I woke up it was already light again, the sun is shining in my face causing that it was way to hot under the blanket.

Who put a blanket over me anyway, it is beginning of October but still really hot here in Dallas.

I looked at the clock on the wall seeing that it is 11 am. My breakfast was already on the small side table on my bed. It contains two slices of bread, cream cheese, two slices of cheese and a yoghurt.

I wouldn't say it was disgusting, just not anything I would eat when I would be home. After I finished this food I heard the door open

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" The nurse from yesterday asked, are they working like everyday or what?

"Just like yesterday, headache and I guess the nausea and dizziness comes back any time this day." I answered and she took out my cannula and put a band aid on it.

"Yeah this will stay a few days, you're getting used to it." She said and turned off the device next to me, so the beeping disappeared, which I quickly stopped noticing after a while.

"I have a question. When do I can go?" I asked as she took my plate and wantet to go out of the door. "You can go whenever your husband is here to pick you up, since you didn't had any complications through the night. Your doctor will talk to you once more and give you the papers that you can sign yourselfe out. You give them then to the person on the reception. And you have to come back in 10 days so that we can remove the strings from your head." She nodden at last then turned around and got out of the room.

I moved to the corner of my bed and stayed there for a few minutes to prepare my body for getting up in a moment. In the end I stood up and walked to the window and opened it to let the bad air out.

I enjoyed the fresh air a bit before I went to the bathroom to do my business. It was actually disgusting it still smelled like vomit in there and I have to keep it together to not throw up again. I don't want to sound dramatic but I was glad when I was able to get out of there.

I went back to my room and got dressed in the clothes in which I came here. What do you do alone in the hospital? I don't even have my phone, but that wouldn't do me any good anyway since I'm not allowed to use it. When I was just starting to despair, the door opened, thank goodness.

"Good day Mr. Seguin, how are you?" I just tell him the same like the nurse before. "Ok, and make sure you follow the rules I told you yesterday. And here are your papers. You sign here and your husband on the other line." He said and pointed on each line.

"Why does he have to sign it?" I asked, wondering why. "Since he is the person, who is taking care of you. Means that your familie can't sue us if anything happens to you at home, because with the signature we give the responsibility to your husband." The doctor said and grabbed the doorknob as the door opened and Jamie walked through the door with his eyes on his phone.

"Hey Seggy ready to go?" He said and almost run into the doctor. He apologised, letting the doctor just nod and walked out of the room.

"Hey, finally. I was getting so bored alone here." I said and looked over the papers and stopped on the point where I have to put my last name. "Hey what last name should I write, since we're married?" I asked in Jamies direction. He looked up from his phone and seems like to think about it.

"Yours. Some people are married but still keep their own last name, you know." With that I filled the gaps and signed the paper before giving them to Jamie.

"What do I want with that?" He asked confused. "You have to sign it since you're the one taking care of me." He nodded and signed the paper. After that we walket out of my room to the lobby.

As we walked to the front desk I could see the same woman that was there when we were here for the paternity test. "Hello." I just said and put the papers on her desk. She looked up for a short time then down and in a millisecond her head shot up again, looking up to Jamie. Oh no here we go again.

"Hello there. Can't get enough of me, can't you?" She giggled and paid no more attention to the papers. "Actually I can." he mumbled to himselfe making me smile.

"Uhm I just wanted to give you my papers and now we'll go. I took Jamies hand and pulled him behind me. I let go of his hand as we got out of the hospital.

"Where did you parked?" I asked and he pointed to his Range Rover. We got in and I looked into the rearview mirror where I see the empty child seat. "Where is Maddy?" I asked.

"My Mum wanted to spent some time with her before she flyes back home tomorrow." He said.

And only then did I realize that she was also there on Maddy's first day and because of the excitement I didn't really ask myself how she could have come so quickly. Apparently she was visiting and stayed in the hotel for the time being.

"Oh yeah that makes sense... Jamie? Can I really stay at yours?" I asked. "Yeah of course, I didn't joke about that. But I have to talk to you about something. Since Maddy has a room now, I don't have a guest room anymore." he said through gritted teeth and gave me an apologising look. "I will sleep on the couch and you will take my bed." He continued.

"No it's alright, I can take the couch." I suggested. "That is nonsense. And I will not argue with you about that." He said as we pulled up in my entrance.

We got out of the car and went in my house. I was confused that I couldn't hear Cash running to the door. "I already took Cash and your stuff that was still in the arena to my house. We are just here that you can pack some clothes for the next two weeks."

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