Chapter 2

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"You go back to her, and I go back to... black!" I almost scream along to the radio, purposely annoying my brother as well, but mainly because I love Amy Winehouse. She will forever be an icon. 

"I can't wait to have my own place again" Jake mumbles, his eyes focused on the road in front of us, though he made no effort in hiding his annoyance. 

"Oh trust me, dear brother, I will always find a way to annoy you" I laugh, ending my singing since the song ended, and the news got turned on instead. 

"I know, sis. That's what worries me" he continued, obviously joking, only making me laugh even more. 

"Loosen up a bit, yeah? Remember, we're great pilots..." I mocked, using his own little speech from yesterday against him. 

The entire car ride from the airport to the Top Gun station turned out pretty much like it always does when Jake and I are involved in something... chaos. Back in Virginia, Jake and I are known as the troublemakers, but to be fair... actually I don't have a counter point, they're right. 

But just because we like to have fun, doesn't mean we're not serious about flying. I don't see myself as a talented girl. In fact, I barely have any skills besides flying. I can't sing, dance, cook, paint or other basic skills. Heck, my brother is always shit scared, when I'm the one driving the car (even though I'm better than he'll admit). 

But I don't mind it. I don't need other skills when I know how to fly. And I fly good. Really good. I graduated top of my class when I joined Top Gun, 10 months after my brother graduated top of his class. Even though we're twins, I wanted to wait because I didn't want anything to stand in my way, when it was my turn. 

"Alright, here we are" Jake finally pulled up to the small houses that we've be staying in over the next weeks while preparing for the mission. Luckily, this was Top Gun, an elite school. Which meant that I didn't have to share a house with Jake. I had my own place for the first time in over 3 years. Thank you, God. 

"Finally, I'm so tired" I let out a yawn as the car stops in the driveway of Jake's house. My house is the one right next to it. 

"Too tired to go to The Hard Deck?" My brother smirks and all I do is send him a similar smirk in return. 

"Oh please, I'm never too tired to visit that place" I scoff, picking up my bags. "Meet you out in 15 minutes" I announced before making my way into the house. 

It already has furniture's and a few essential things, so I just drop my bags on the master bed before dropping myself on it as well. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see three missed calls from one of my best friends in the Navy. Javy 'Coytoe' Machado. I instantly press a few buttons, waiting for Coyote to pick up.

"Hey Supernova", Coyote's familiar voice sounds "It's just Nova, Coyote" I chuckle, but he continue, "Mhm what was that, Supernova? Sorry, the connection is bad here. Anyway, are you and Jake coming to The Hard Deck tonight?" he asks. "Come on, Wolfie. Is that even a question" I shoot back, unable to contain my laughter. "Wolfie? I told you to stop calling me that, Luisa!" he groans, "Woops, anyway I gotta run. Service is bad or something" I laugh, hanging up before I can hear his protests. 

I laugh to myself before I begin opening my first back, knowing that I packed my tan naval uniform in this one. I want to wear it to The Hard Deck tonight because I'm sure Coyote and Jake will too, besides, I always feel so confident in it. It's not everyday you see a female pilot in her uniform, and I gotta make sure that the room doesn't overflow with male testosterone. 

Exactly 15 minutes later, I meet Jake outside. I was right by the way, he's wearing his tan uniform as well. We decide to walk to the bar since it's only about 5 minutes away, and that way we can allow ourselves to a couple drinks without having a designated driver. And trust me, drunk Jake Seresin doesn't want Soper Luisa Seresin to drive.

"Well this place hasn't changed one bit" I smile to myself, starring at the familiar bar placed at the beach with a gorgeous evening view. 

I can already hear the noise coming from inside the bar, but that only makes me smile even harder as my brother and I finally enter the bar. The place is crowded tonight, and I know that Penny is gonna be busy. 

Penny is the owner of the bar. She has kinda been like an auntie figure to be during my time at Top Gun. She's just always so kind and she has helped me through so much. Mainly all the times I came to visit her at the bar, when another sexist jerk tried to bring me down. I've dealt with a lot of those by now... 

"I'll grab us some beers, you set up the pool table" my brother orders making his way for the bar. 

"Yes sir" I salute him with a chuckle before making my way through the crowd and over to the pool table. 

Thankfully, the pool table was empty. I was just about to reach out for the pool balls, when another tan uniform caught my eye. I turned around to find a guy sitting on a bar stool close to the table. He had short hair, his tan uniform on and glasses, and he looked incredible focused on eating the peanuts from the cup in his hand. I noticed a few crumbs on his pants, and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle which led to the guy snapping out of his peanut eating and instead his blue eyes met mine. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I smiled, containing another giggle. 

He looked so confused and shy, as if he was barely registering what was happening around him. 

God, he's cute. 

"Uh no that's uh- that's okay. Sorry" he finally spoke, after brushing the crumbs away from his lap and readjusting the glasses on his nose, a small pink shade covering his cheeks.

"No need to apologize uh... Floyd?" I peaked at his name tag, and by the look of his face, I read correctly. 

"It's uh Bob Floyd" he said, giving me a shy smile. 

He looked so innocent and adorable. 

Get a grib, Luisa...

"Nice to meet you, Bob Floyd. I'm Luisa 'Nova' Seresin" I smiled back, completely forgetting about pool. 

"Nice to meet you too, Luisa" he said. I don't know why, but hearing him say my actual name and not 'Nova' or 'Supernova' as Coyote liked to call, just sounded so good. 

"Wait, I didn't get your callsign? I mean, I'm assuming you're also hear for the mission, judging by your choice of outfit?" I chuckled, unable to look away from his mesmerizing eyes. 

He chuckled at my joke, and once again a small pink shade spread across his cheeks. "It's uh Bob" he stated. 

"You're callsign is Bob and you're name is Bob?" I asked in disbelief. 

But all Bob did was nod, giving me an innocent smile before he ate another peanut. 

"I'll be dammed, Bob. Never heard of that before, but it's certainly interesting" I said, some of a bit to myself. 

"How long is it taking you to set up a damn game of pool?" my brothers voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I'm forced to look away from Bob to meet Jake instead, accepting the beer in his hand that he got for me. 

"Jake, this is Bob Floyd. Bob, this is my annoying twin brother, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin" I introduce the two men. 

Jake looks at Bob, a skeptical smirk forming on his face. Bob just let out a small 'hi', clearly not a big conversation guy, to which Jake gives a mutual nod. Then he turns his attention towards the pool table again. 

"So are we playing or not?" Jake asks. 

I look at the table before grinning widely. 

"Bob, do you wanna play pool? You and me vs my brother?" I turn towards Bob again. 

He gives me an uncertain look, but before he can protest, I grab his hands and pull him up, taking a zip of my beer before we set up the game. Hopefully, Bob is a good pool player...

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