Chapter 9

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I am usually not the biggest morning person, but today was an exception. I had just arrived at the base after drinking enough coffee to run a small coffee house. 

It was still early in the morning. The sun was peaking through the clouds, covering the landscape in an orange glow, birds were singing their morning songs, and the morning breeze was fresh. Only a few people were at the base at this time, and it didn't take me long to spot Maverick, already preparing the planes. 

"Ah there you are, Nova. Get changed, we fly in 10 minutes" Maverick says and I nod before quickly walking towards the changing room, so I can get my flight gear on. 

A few minutes later I arrive back on the landing zone, where Maverick is waiting. 

"So, how do we do this?" I ask, not really sure how we'll actually do this together. 

"You'll be flying front, I'll follow. Trust your instincts and trust yourself. Just fly as if I wasn't there, speed up as much as you can and make it to the target in time. Don't think about me. You only think about me, if you're slowing down or doing something that can compromise my flying.  Got it?" he explained and I nodded again. 

"Got it, sir" I smirk, suddenly feeling confident. 

I can do this. I'm a damn good pilot and I'll show him that. 

"This is Nova, ready for take-off" I spoke over the radio. 

"Green Range, you are clear to take-off" someone replies and before I know it, I'm in the sky. 

Maverick is right behind me and we fly towards the canyon course. 

"Time is two and a half minute, starting the second you cross the line. And remember, Nova, don't think" Maverick says to me and I nod before I realize that he can't see that and say a little 'Yes, sir' over the radio instead. 

"Starting two and a half minute... now!" and with that, I pull the handle back, instantly increasing my speed as I begin the canyon course. 

I fly the zigzag motions, once again feeling my bodyweight shift. I blink a few times, focusing on the road ahead. I can already feel the sweat on my forehead, but I ignore it and continue.

Don't think, don't think, don't think.

I'm closing in on the target, but as I peep at the time I realize that I'm a second behind. I need more speed. So once again, I increase the speed, not telling Maverick as I'm just assuming that he's still right behind me. 

The landscape flies past me as I continue the route. I'm so close. Zigzag. Zigzag. Zigzag. It's over. I made it to the target without clipping the wall or breaking the 300 feet ceiling, and I didn't think about Maverick or anything else besides flying. 

"So, how did I do?" I finally speak as we fly back to the base. 

"You beat Hangman's time with 3,9 seconds. Good job, Lieutenant" Maverick praises me and I feel the smile on my face instantly grow.

"Thank you, sir" I reply, the happy feeling not leaving my body as we land. 

"How did it feel out there today?" Maverick then asks me as we walk back. 

"It felt amazing. I didn't have to worry about anyone else, only myself" I explained, seeing a small smile taking form on the Captain's face. 

"Good. You're a good pilot, Nova. You can be proud of yourself today." he smiles, "Now go take a break before class begins. You've earned it" he adds with a slight chuckle. 

Who would have thought that the Top Gun base could provide such comfortable couches? Not me, that's for sure. 

I had been laying on the couch in the classroom we'd sit in when we'd listen over the radio on those who were in the air at the moment. I had about 15 minutes left before I had to get up and go to the class, but I was just relaxing for a bit. I wasn't completely sleeping, just resting my eyes for a moment. 

I was happy that I completed the course, even beating Jake's time from yesterday. And I was happy to see Maverick in a better mood than yesterday. I had talked a bit with Jake yesterday evening about the things he said earlier in class. I had been pretty angry with him for spilling everything about Roosters private life, but it seemed as if he actually regretted it a bit. 

At least, I got him to promise me that he'd apologize to Rooster. Speaking of Rooster, I hadn't seen him since yesterdays outburst, but I'm sure he's just overwhelmed by it. I would be too, if I had been in his shoe-

"Luisa?" another voice ripped me out of my thoughts and startled me so badly that I got overbalance and fell out of the couch and landed on the wooden floor. 

"Ouch" I exclaimed, holding my head. 

"Oh my God!" it wasn't until now that I realized that Bob had been the one startling me. 

He ran over to me, panic written all over his face as he placed his hand on my head and the other on my cheek as if he was exanimating me for injuries.

He's so adorable

While he looked at me for injuries, panic still written on his face, I let out a giggle that made him look at me in confusion. 

"I'm okay, Bob. You just startled me" I smiled, not being able to control my blushing. And it only made me blush even harder when I noticed a similar pink blush spreading on his cheeks. 

"I'm really sorry, Luisa. I didn't mean to scare you" he said, eventually realizing that he was still cubbing my cheek. 

He quickly let go and instead offered me a hand to help me get up on my feet again. I happily accepted it and looked at him. 

"I know. Really, it's okay" I still chuckled and eventually he seemed to relax, letting out a chuckle himself as he realized I was okay. 

"What are you even doing in here, sleeping on the couch?" he asked me. 

"Oh uh, it's kind of a long story. Why don't I tell you while we get to class?" I suggested and he quickly nodded. 

"Sure" he smiled, "And you are a 100 percent sure that you're okay, right?" he asked again. 

"You are so cute, Bob. But yeah, I'm okay" I laughed again before we left the room

God, that smile is everything. 

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